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If you couldn't tell... I've had writers block for over 4 months but I just finished finals and I at least passed... so here's a short chapter for y'all.

Anne had never slept more in one night. The only reason she woke up was because Luz kept trying to wake her up by banging pots and pans together and running around in a otter costume "Jesus Christ Luz." Anne shook her head and chuckled. Luz audibly gasps "Finally! Damn dude you sleep to much." Anne scoffed at this "You play to much."

She stretched up and yawned. Then it hit her, she could leave today! Mr. Wu had helped with the financial part of her flight. And they booked a mediocre seat with Spirt Airlines. Anne hadn't told Luz yet. But she would leave the girl a note.

Truth told, Anne felt like a dumbass for just leaving a note. Luz had been kind to her, and she didn't want to do that to her... but it was the only real way.

Anne did some morning shift stuff, and she waited behind the casino for Mr. Wu. She waited for a bout an hour before there were footsteps.

Mr. Wu peaked around a corner, looked around, and he stood next to Anne.

"I've got the tickets." He said in a hushed tone. "Plane leaves midnight... I'll make up and excuse for you to pack your stuff and say goodbye to the others." He winked and handed her the tickets. "Keep them safe Boonchuy... I feel my wife's catching on." And he walked away.

Anne nodded as he left and she went inside. She threw the little items she had into a bag and traveled to her parents house.

Knock knock knock...

"Ma!" Anne called out. Her mother opened the door.
"Hello Anne! Care for some tea? Your dads at the restaurant getting things set up." She beamed. Anne shock her head... and she went inside.

They talked for a bit, her father came home and they talked too. Eventually Anne left... she decided not to tell her parents, and instead left a folded up note on the table.

She went back to the casino, snuck a note under Luzs pillow, and she went to thank Mr. Wu.

After all of that, she got into a cab and she drove to the airport. The airport was far, about 2 hours away. By the time she got through the giant security line... it was 6:00.

Anne took a nap... ate. And read a book while she waited.

Then she got onto the plane. She was seated at a window seat one economy, with a couple on their honey moon next to them. They kept giggling and smirking and saying dumb love stuff. And couldn't help but be a bit jealous.

Goddamnit... Marcy probably hates me. I left her, when I could've done something not stupid. I'm such a dumbass.

Anne sighed and she watched screen in-front of her... she pouted. Slept. Had terrible ear pain... and finally... at the end of the night, and the dawn of the day... they landed at the Logan airport in Boston.


It's been a bit. Yeah I have no excuse. I got out of my Amphibia phase for a bit... and got really into TOH... (fanfic on that coming out soon). Sorry for the wait.

This chapter was stitched together over the last 2 months... so it might explain the horribleness. Well I hope you enjoyed anyways, and the next chapter. (That will come out I promise) will be very.. very interesting. A strange turn of fates, as we near the end of our story...

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