Accidentally kissing your friend

351 14 9

The title says it all folks

Anne was playing her guitar. Her guitar was a Yamaha acoustic. It had a black fretboard and white frets, also a white body with a black pick guard. Though, it was more of a brownish grey now because of the collection of dirt and dust.

She strummed the simple chords that made up the song. Mumbling the lyrics as she went. Marcy yawned and turned to the right. "I don't wanna wake up..." She yawned. Anne smiled and said "You don't have to, Bostons not for another day or two." Anne smiled. Slowly, rain started to drizzle down. Marcy, who was still half asleep, began to rub the sleep out her eyes. "Well this is nice." She said. Anne hummed in response. Anne looked over at Marcy. Anne couldn't help but stare. Marcy was the most beautiful, brilliant, and cute person she's ever met.

Marcy sat next to Anne and put her head on Annes lap. "So, Sasha... how was she?" Anne asked petting Marcy's soft hair. Marcy sighed. "A real big meanie." She answered. "She would constantly make fun of me for the stuff I do. Like staying up late all night and playing games. Studying during my free time, all that crap." "Damn, then she really did deserve me messing her face up." Anne laughed. "Well, I guess..." Marcy pondered. Anne put her guitar down. She pulled Marcy up so that she was sitting in front of her, and her back was touching Anne's chest. Marcy blushed but she didn't complain. Anne buried her face into Marcy's hair. "A-Anne! That tickles!" Marcy laughed. "You're really pretty, ya' know that?" Anne claimed. Marcy's heart burst out into rhythm. But she quickly answered to avoid awkwardness. "You are too, Anne."

The train slowed to a halt. "What the hell?" Anne asked. "Sorry folks!" A male voice from the front of the train called. "Train's pretty old, it's breaking down, give us half a minute and we'll be up and running!" "Ugh great..." Marcy groaned. "Hey, we could do something in the meantime!" Anne exclaimed. "Hmmm, wanna play T or D again?" Marcy asked "Nah, you already won that when you dared me to SWALLOW A QUARTER!" Anne teased. They both laughed for a bit before they were left in silence. Anne looked deeply into Marcy's green eyes. She stared at her lips too. Longing to fill the air between them. No Anne! Don't fall in love now! Your on the streets! If something bad happens... you'll never be able to move on! But Anne ignored these thoughts. Marcy, was thinking similarly. Gah! Bad Marcy bad! She's not going to be with you forever! She's just here to train you. Don't fall in love. Don't fall in love. Don't fall in love. Don't... before she could finish her thought she was cut off by Anne. She gave Marcy a quick peck, then immediately looked away.

Marcy sat there, taking it all in... half of her was in shock. The other half was longing for that feeling again. Marcy got her self together and scooted towards Anne. She returned Anne's kiss with a kiss on the cheek. "Dork..." Marcy said afterwards. Anne smiled, her face covered in red. She extended her arms and Marcy jumped into them. "Your my favorite Mars..." Anne said. "Weird way of saying I love you... but same."

What a ride! Next chapters going to be better you'll see!

(Words 580)

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