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This is just Annes story of why she ran away.

Anne POV

Mom sighed as she closed the shutters of our family restaurant. She took a good long look at it before she walked to our car. I quickly followed. When we were strapped in, I asked her "Ma?" "Yes... sweetheart." "Why did we have to close down?" "Because there were no customers." I nodded and shut my mouth. My parents were really stressed out.

The next few days weren't any better. Mom and dad were fighting like crazy. Which was super unusual for them, because they don't usually argue about everything. But it got to a point were there was constant yelling. And the worst part? We had to give Domino away. I was devastated. I couldn't take it. Everything in the house was gone. I couldn't sleep at night anymore. And the only luxury I had was my guitar.

It was a particular argument that made me run away. My mom had just sold my dad's computer without asking him. My parents were at each others throats. I don't know what I was thinking. But I just blindly began to pack my clothes, some food, water, and my guitar.

I wrote a both to my parents that said this.

Dear Ma and Pa,
Ever since Thai-Go closed, you've been so distracted with everything. So to get rid of a problem for you. I'm leaving. Thanks for the memories


End of Anne POV

Anne held back tears as she set the letter down on the counter. She gave one last look at the house, and walked out the door. Her plan? Travel they United States until she can figure out a plan. But that never happened. She traveled around America for 5 years. The only people she had become friends with were a pair of orphans called Twig and Polly. They traveled around with Anne until they found their grandfather and he adopted them. So she was alone for a year before she meet Marcy.

End of flashback

Anne reached into her bag and pulled out 2 photos. One of them being of Twig, Polly, and her. The other being of her old family. She smiled and rubbed her thump on the picture of her parents. "One day, I'll come back Ma. One day." She put the photo back and looked at Marcy. As usual she was half asleep with a book in her hands. "But for now, I've got other people to care for."

Sorry for the short chapter. It's mostly because of writer's block... also because I was on vacation while writing this. Next chapter will be some more lore.

(447 words)

Run away Mar-MarWhere stories live. Discover now