Sasha POV Part one

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This series will make some ridiculous turns from here so strap in

After I found out Mar Mar ran away... I was devastated. I made it my life's mission to hunt her down and bring her home. My parents didn't mind and said it was a good cause. My first stop! Seattle. Mar Mar always talked about wanting to go there. So she's probably there. My train arrived there in the afternoon. And I don't know why Marcy would ever wanna live here! It's gross. Anyways I started looking around and what do you know? I found her. But befor eI could say anything... she walked off with this random chick. I wanted to run after her but the train station was too crowded. Now I'm stuck in the middle of Seattle... and J can't find Mar Mar.

Short chapter because why not? I know it's been awhile... but I'll try to update this more often! I promise you'll have more chapters soon. Just been studying for midterms and stuff... cya!

Not proof read
Word count (176)

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