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There's been a lot of angst I think, so I decided to just make this chapter fluff, it's for your sanity on what's coming next. Enjoy!

The chores of that day had left Marcy exhausted. And so did it leave everyone else. They spent the day running around Boston delivering some of Hop Pops produce. Then they had to weed Hop Pops garden. Finally they had to run all the way to the far side of Boston to buy tomato seeds. Marcy and Sprig decided that they would tell Anne about the missing poster later. They were to tired to deal with emotional crap.

"Guhhh..." Marcy groaned flopping onto the bed she shared with Anne. "Mmmm... sorry Mar Mar... to tired to read." Anne mumbled turning towards the wall. "It doesn't matter..." Marcy replied. She turned her head to the side so that she was facing Anne. Anne was still turned to the wall. Her body slowly rising and falling as she fell into a deep sleep. Marcy wrapped her arms around Anne. It was hard for Marcy to fully wrap her arms around her, due to Anne being much taller than her. But she managed. Anne turned around as well and returned the hug.

Even though it was only 5 o'clock in the evening. And the sun was still shining. Everyone in the house besides Hop Pop was exhausted. In a few hours they would be called up for dinner. Then they would immediately go right back to bed.

Marcy slowly, fell asleep in Anne's arms.

She awoke on the roof of what seemed to be a tall building. Her legs were dangling over the edge. And a cold breeze blew through the air. The city below was bursting with life. Cars honking, dogs barking, planes over head flying. The sky illuminated by the lights bellow, and the stars above. Marcy looked down onto the street below. It looked like Time square. Screens of advertisements were everywhere. Street vendors trying to sell food. It was beautiful from above. Though most importantly, Anne was next to her.

"Have you ever seen anything like this, Marce?" She asked. "I drove through New York one time, but it wasn't half as beautiful as this." She smiled.

Marcy leaned on Anne's shoulder. To the west they could see the Empire State Building, and to the east  they could see Central Park.

Anne rested her head on Marcy and spoke "Look at all those people Marcy, how out of all of the people in this world... did we find each other?" She asked. "I don't know Anne, I don't know at all." Marcy replied.

Anne pulled her into a hug. "I'm glad we found each other Marcy. Very glad."

And like that, the dream was over.

"Marcy! It's dinner time and I'm hungry!" Anne whined carefully shaking her. "Cmon sleepy head!" "Alright alright!" Marcy laughed. And she followed Anne upstairs.

Marcy silently thanked the core. Which the core only replied with "You seemed frightened by my last dream, I wanted to make up for it." It coldly said. Marcy nodded and went into the dinning room.

Thank you...
She said again.
The core replied.

Your welcome for the fluff. As they say, it's always calm before the storm. >:)

(Words 547)

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