The Wu manor

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Anne weakly smiled at Marcy as she was dragged away. She looked at the smaller girl, she had never looked so torn. She remembered hugging Marcy. She felt her small body tremble. "Don't go..." she had whispered. Anne wanted nothing more then to run back and never leave Marcy again. But that would endanger her.

Anne was shoved in the backseat of a fancy black car. The car looked like a police car in its interior. It had a wall of glass on the inside, very tinted windows, and uncomfortable seats. Mr. Wu then placed Sasha next to Anne. Anne glared at the slowly awaking Sasha. With those bruises, she won't be forgetting me for a long while... Anne thought with a smug grin.

The car then slowly backed out, then speeded to the highway entrance.

The car ride wasn't too long, as soon they arrived at a small field outside of central Boston. The car stopped and the couple opened the doors to the back seats. "Everyone out." Mr. Wu ordered. Anne begrudgingly left the car.

On the far west side of the field, was s small plane. The details were hard to make out due to the glare of the sun, but Anne was able to read the name of the plane.

Wurry not.

What type of crap name is Wurry not? Is it supposed to be worry not? Anne asked herself.

But before she could find answers, Mrs. Wu spoke "Alright you lot, get to the plane, we need to get outta here before Marcy gets smart and gets the police..." Anne rolled her eyes.

The plane was really small. There were only 12 rows with 2 seats in each. Though, Anne couldn't help but be impressed. "Y'all are spoiled rotten..." she muttered under her breath.

Anne sat down on the exit row seat, and Sasha sat in the front. She was already awake. But she didn't seem hostile like before. She placed her hand over her cheek, which had the biggest bruise on it. And rubbed it for awhile. Anne was half scared Sasha was going to attack her while the plane was in the air, but she seemed scared then when Anne was fighting her.

The plane took off and Mrs. Wu's voice was heard over the intercom, Mrs. Wu said "Hello dearies!" Anne scoffed. "Today we fly back to California, it will take about 6 hours and 15 minutes!" A screech finished the message and left Anne alone, in the plane, with her worst enemy.

Anne looked out the window, she could see the sun setting over the land, the lights creeping on from the houses below. It would've been beautiful, if not for the worries that clouded Anne's mind.

Was Marcy okay?

Did she get help?

Will they have a happy ending?

Anne shook her head clear, no. Her and Marcy had to have a happy ending, she didn't wanna be taken away from the only person she's ever considered family.

She looked over the earth, drowning in negative thoughts. It was only then did someone pull her out of her trance. "You're new." The voice said. Anne swung her head back and looked. A slightly shorter dark hair girl stood. Her elbow was leaned on the seat opiate to her. Her face was plastered with a small smile. "Whatever deal you made, better start regretting it now, if you haven't already..." she said. Anne raised her eyebrow. "I'm Luz by the way. I'm guessing your not what they came here for..." she continued "Wonder why you're here though, they came for Marcy..." Anne flinched "M-Marcy? I-I took her place and they took me instead." "Really? They were super mad about her leaving. There were missing posters everywhere. They forced a bunch of us on search parties. They even hired Sasha over there to find her!" Luz said slipping into the seat next to Anne "I wouldda' thought they would take their fricken' daughter over a stranger!" Anne frowned "Why are you here?" She asked. "I'm here to make sure you too do t beat each other up before they can!" Luz chuckled. Anne weakly smiled. It was good to make a friend.

For most of the 6 hours, Anne got to know Luz. She had been in debt to the Wu family, and she had been working for them for years trying to make up her debt. But the Wu family made that impossible to happen. They provided clothing, food, and other necessities to dig people deeper into debt. She also learned that the Wu family owned a very popular casino in Los Angeles. But that was a cover up for some of their crimes. Anne also learned that Luz had taken the opportunity of going to Boston to visit her 'gf'.

Then Anne slept.

Anne was awoken by a gentle shake. "Cmon Anne!" Luz half-whispered "Don't keep the Wu's waiting!" Anne blinked. "We're here already?" "Yes! Now cmon!"

Luz dragged Anne out of the small plane. They were in another field, but it was surrounded by city. The lights of the city illuminated the night sky.

A city never sleeps... what is it, 12am? Anne thought

Mr. And Mrs. Wu were already outside, so was Sasha, who was walking towards a car. Anne stretched her arms out and followed her.

Another car ride later. They pulled up to a huge casino. Music was piercing the ears of Anne and Luz. Spotlights shown on the sign for the casino.

Wurry not

Anne scoffed "Thats a stupid ass name." She told Luz. Luz shrugged and the Wu's lead them inside.

The inside was huge, Anne had never seen so many people, losing so much money at the same time.

They took a sharp left, and went through a door labeled-


Inside was a wide corridor. The only noise we're there own footsteps, and the indefinite buzz of fluorescent lights. They took another left to one of the doors labeled-


There were two.

They opened the door, and inside was about 50 people. They were all packed in a long room. Some of them were smoking, others were gambling, others crying. And some were simply talking.

"Oh really!" Mrs. Wu said "Can you lot go five minutes without smoking up a storm! Anyways, we have a new... employee... her name is Anne." Mrs Wu shoved Luz, Anne, and Sasha into the room and slammed the door. The people in the room blindly glanced up at them, then resumed their activities. "Cmon Anne, I'll show you to your bed." Luz said grabbing Anne's forearm.

The night was long and sleepless. The upbeat jazz music played all through the night, followed by the yells of gamblers losing money, or winning it.

Man, at least I'm close to home... Anne thought.



Anne shot up. Her parents could help her!

Now fueled with the excitement of a way back to Marcy, Anne smiled and got up. She made her bed and opened the door. "Work starts in 5 minutes." Mr. Wu said over an intercom.

Anne looked down at her hand. She curled them into fists and whispered to herself.

"Please stay gold while I'm gone Marce..."

"Stay gold."

Watsup y'all. Another long chapter! I think for the next few chapters, it might stay the same, but don't take my word for it! Anyways, that's all, next chapter will be Marcy's POV, then back to Anne.

(Words 1248)

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