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Boy, you've chosen the wrong option. Here's to depression!

Anne stared up at the night sky. A few hours had passed, and it was now the dead of night. Anne and Marcy had climbed up onto the top of the cargo cart to look at the stars. But Marcy fell asleep after 20 minutes. She was cuddled up too Anne's side, her chest slowly moving up and down. Anne was feeling homesick. She missed her parents sometimes, and she wondered what they were doing without her.

The stars in the heavens glimmered with hope. If only they could reflect on Anne's eyes as much as they did Marcy. Marcy was bursting with hope for the future. But Anne had lost it all. She was happy living as a runaway... but she didn't have hope for the future. She didn't think she could become anything in the future. All she had now was her guitar, and Marcy.

Anne looked at Marcy and smiled, she gave her a kiss on the forehead and picked her up. Slowly, she carried Marcy down to the inside of the cart, and set her on the softest bed of hay she could find. Anne then leaned on her backpack and closed her eye. They would have to wake up early if they wanted to get of in Boston after all.

The duo arrived at Boston, all normal. "Anne! Anne Anne Anne! Can we go to the harbor!" Marcy asked. "Yeah, that sounds cool!" Anne said. Marcy took Anne's hand and followed the street signs to the harbor.

They spent the day wandering around Boston, avoiding police along the way. Eventually, night fell and the duo were walking towards an underpass. They were crossing the street, but failed to notice the bike coming right at Marcy. It wasn't a motorbike, it was simply a bike. It slammed right into Marcy. Her eyes went blurry as she collapsed. "Ow!" She yelped. "Oh frog!" A deep voice said. A man jumped off the bike and rushed over to Marcy. He had a white beard and was huge. "Are you alright small girl?" He asked. Marcy sat up, her hand on the side of her head. "Yeah, yeah, I just got the wind knocked outta me." "Aw geez Mar Mar!" Anne said. She pointed at the man and said "You gotta pay attention to the road man!" "Yes yes, apologies..." he said. He helped Marcy up. Anne picked Marcy up and introduced themselves. "So, I'm Anne, and this is Marcy." She stated. "Oh I'm Andrias, again I apologize. Here, get some ice for her head." Andrias said handing Anne 20 bucks. "Oh sweet!" Anne whispered. "Well uh see you around dude." She waved.

Time skip

"Are you sure you're okay?" Anne asked gently putting ice on Marcy's head. Marcy, whose hard was on Anne's lap said "Yeah, I'm just... tired." She responded. "Alright then, go take a nap." Anne smiled. Marcy closed her eyes, and soon she was asleep.

"Hello, Marcy." A robotic voice rang. "Whaaa." Marcy said, she was in a huge black room, there was no floor under her feet, yet she stood. "What are you?" She asked. "I am embodiment of all of your negative emotions, thoughts, and memories." It responded "But you will call me the Core." It said. Marcy looked up and saw thousands of orange eyes staring at her. She screamed and started to run. "You can't run from your problems Mar Mar. You might've been able to run away from your family, but not me." The ground below her ceased to exist, and she fell.

Marcy shot up, and looked around, she was back at the underpass, a sleeping Anne next to her. She smiled. Just a weird dream, yeah, just a dream.

While writing this, I ran into a wall... just saying. Brain damage.

(Words 644)

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