Chapter 9

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Chapter nine

    On the cold mountain, the customs clearance ceremony is still in progress.

    After the ceremony, the young disciples sat in the banquet and had a moment of freedom; the peak masters sat around the sect master and reported the situation of each peak since the retreat, and briefly described the important things that happened in the sect.

    Except for the peak masters who went out to practice, the peak masters who practiced in retreat, and the peak masters who explored the secret realm... There were only five people sitting beside the sect master.

    "It's the same. Well, you can handle these things yourself." The old man raised his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say any more.

    The Peak Master who was talking resolutely fell silent and sat back silently.

    "Lingyun Peak..." The white-haired and white-bearded old man glanced to his side, Xie Lingyun got up in response, and lowered his eyes to listen.

    "It's alright, sit down." The old man turned his head around, not knowing when he had three bamboo chips between his fingers.

    Xie Lingyun: "..." The

    other four peak masters: "..."

    But seeing the three bamboo pieces that were enough to pierce the will of heaven, several people invariably became solemn.

    In the past, every time the suzerain went out of the customs, he would choose one of the several people for divination to answer the questions he wanted to know.

    According to the sect master, this is a compensation for the hard-working peak master who has not governed the sect for too long.

    This tradition has not been passed down for too long. When the Sect Master made this decision, the other ten Peak Masters were all flattered - spying on the secrets of the sky is against the way of heaven.

    So, the five of them waited respectfully, thinking whoever was lucky enough to be selected this time, it would be best to ask some useful questions.

    Unexpectedly, the sect master did not specify anyone, but spread the calculation on the table and made a hexagram.

    The five looked at each other in dismay. Could it be that... there is no more this time?

    Just thinking about it, the sect master spoke.

    "I wanted to retreat for 20 years this time, but I came out early because I felt a sense of it in the middle."

    The white-haired old man glanced at the five people in front of him one by one, his voice was low, and he was not angry and arrogant, "Do you know the reason?"

    "...It's the devil world?" Yin Chongliang asked first.

    Demon cultivators have long had entanglements with them. After the new Demon Venerable took the position, the sense of crisis that was difficult to detect in the past was immediately carried through to the entire comprehension world. Therefore, starting from here, there is a high probability of being right.

    But the old man shook his head, and said straight to the point: "The recent astrological change is something I have never seen in my life."

    Hearing this, the faces of the people present were slightly stern.

    The old man pointed to the top, which means heaven, "The Ziwei star changes to the palace, which means that it will reverse the catastrophe that the Qing Yunzong chose to calculate thousands of years ago, and it has the appearance of great blessing. And..."

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