Chapter 10

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chapter Ten

    The coral piles intertwined with pink and blue come from the ravines of the East China Sea, where there is sufficient light. On the coral branches like antlers, a jade ring with green flowers glitters.

    On the surface, there is nothing special about it, but when you pick it up, you can feel the aura overflowing from it.

    ——Unable to stand the repeated ranting of the system, he said 'Take a look in case you change your mind', Ning Youli fulfilled its wish and picked up the ring.

    Looking at the cloud-like patterns on it, she knew that this was the most powerful secret treasure discovered by the heroine in the book.

    Of course, it's not how precious the things in this ring are, but the remnants of the soul that have resided in it from thousands of years ago.

    Void old man.

    It can be said that the old man taught the heroine in the book many secret exercises that have disappeared, and also gave her all the things in the ring, which is the heroine's first pot of gold.

    Now that she is discovered... like a hot potato.

    【Have you read it? I put it back. 】I would rather have a carp heart. She remembered that the consciousness of the remnant soul in the ring was still there, and it would be bad to hear her conversation with the system.

    【……OK. 】The system is obviously lost.

    Just when Ning Youli was about to hang the ring back on the coral branch, a pale white mist filled the ring and slowly formed a human shape.

    Gray hair and gray beard, full of uprightness.

    It looks like a positive character.

    He stroked the beard that hung down to his chest, half-closed his eyes and shook his head, looking like a worldly expert, as if waiting for those who discovered him to open their mouths in amazement.

    Ning Youli glanced at him calmly, and continued to hang the ring back.

    "Hey...?" When he found himself back at the same place again, the old man Xu Mi was restless and opened a pair of slack old eyes, "Little girl, you didn't want to ask anything?"

    After that, he put on a pair of me It looks like you have a big secret to ask.

    "No." Ning Youli said decisively.

    The old man Xu Mi hissed, "It's not good to draw conclusions too early, do you know who I am?"

    Ning Youli made a thoughtful expression, "To be able to appear in this must not be a simple person."

    Old man Xu Mi Laughing happily, he stroked his palms and said, "The little girl has good eyesight!" He coughed, "Since that's the case, don't you have anything to say?"

    "Yes." Elder Xumi narrowed his eyes with a


    "It's an honor for the junior to meet you. I'm sorry for disturbing your dreams. The junior will put the ring back in place now. You have a lot, please forgive the junior." In the face of characters that have little to do with the plot, Ning You The carp didn't act as good as he did outside, with only a slight smile in the corners of his eyebrows, he didn't look very easy to fool.

    The old man was silent.

    The old man Xu Mi came back.

    Doesn't this little girl mean to let him go back quickly? This will not work!

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