Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

    Danxia lasted for a full quarter of an hour before fading from the mountains and clouds. The beautiful color was soft, warm and lingering, enough to be seen by people from a radius of hundreds of miles.

    "It seems that it won't be long before the peak master will come to you." A disciple sighed, "Other sects will definitely be able to see this piece of Danxia, ​​and they may want to discuss it again at that time.

    " There are several sects who actively want to come to exchange and learn, in order to hug their thighs and rub their luck.

    "Hey... I don't want to be haunted and chattered by those people for a few hours. It's better to make alchemy by myself." This alchemy senior sister thinks that she is very good in the inner sect. Judging from her expression, this kind of thing is in It happened to her more than once.

    A few people said a few more words, and the senior sister finally turned her head again and smiled shyly, "This time, I really want to thank Junior Sister Ning and Junior Brother Qin. Without you, this potion of medicinal herbs would definitely be useless, and the precious medicinal materials in it would be wasted. It makes people feel distressed."

    After she finished speaking, she opened the lid of the furnace, revealing the round and crystal white pills inside, and counted nine in total.

    "Bring the pill box."

    After she finished speaking, Ning Youli saw that several disciples brought many exquisite and beautiful red sandalwood eight-sided wooden boxes, just big enough to hold a pill, with a beautiful golden lock on it. buckle.

    "According to the promise, I will give each of you one." Senior Sister opened the wooden box, and the black flannel inside just dented a semi-circle. She then used a special clip to clip the medicine pill, put it in the box, snap the lid, and lock it.

    Ning Youli got this Rank Nine Revival Pill.

    Even through the thick wooden box, she could smell the refreshing aroma of the medicinal herbs. It can only be said that the treasure is worthy of being a treasure. Just smelling it can make one's mind clear and sane.

    In the original book, Tong Su got this elixir and gave it to Qin Chu...

    Ning Youli looked up at Qin Chu and found that Qin Chu was also looking at her. He seemed to regard the wooden box in his hand as a hot potato, and was debating whether to take it or not, but after she looked at it, he put it away silently.

    In such a comparison...isn't she too unrighteous?

    Ning Youli weighed the box in his hand and was very satisfied with this thick feeling. Fortunately, Qingyun Sect is a large sect. Even if the disciples refine this kind of medicine pill, which can be called a treasure, the sect will not ask for it, but let them dispose of it on their own.

    Otherwise...she wouldn't have a chance to get this.

    Just as Ning Youli was looking at this exquisite pill box, a disciple came in and called someone, saying that Peak Master Xie was here.

    Senior sister immediately planned to go out. She turned her head and thought that the two foreign aids were still here, so she turned back and said, "Junior Brother Qin, Junior Sister Ning, you two should go back first. When the Peak Master comes, I'm afraid it will be another time delay."

    "Thank you, I'll deliver it later." This sentence was addressed to Qin Chu.

    "No..." Qin Chu tried to push back, "I shouldn't accept this pill, let alone other..." Before finishing

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