Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    In the early spring, Lingyun Pond was filled with a thin layer of spiritual energy last week.

    At this time, the aura is the most graceful and moving, radiating the endless vitality of spring, and the blue pool water is dotted with frost and white, like a piece of warm jade that is lovable. A gust of wind blew past, and the cloud-like spiritual energy rolled up and gathered in the same direction.

    Ning Youli broke through the recent bottleneck as the spiritual energy circulated from the dantian to the last Great Zhoutian, and the last breath was slowly exhaled.

    She successfully built the foundation.

    The cold coldness spread from her body, and a few condensed ice flowers could be faintly seen on the tips of her fingertips. If someone came to her at this time, they would definitely feel what it means to be cold to the bone.

    But soon, the temperature around Ning Youli returned to normal and became as warm and pleasant as this season.

    A few chirps came, and when she turned her head to look, the crane beside the house flapped her wings impatiently, probably urging her.

    Yes, today is an important day.

    Ning Youli got up from the futon, straightened the folds on his clothes, fastened the brocade bag around his waist, and ran to the pond outside the door and stuffed the fishing net with the tracking method into it, and everything was ready.

    "It's a pity that I don't have time to practice the sword..." Ning Youli felt the bag, and there was an ordinary sword that every beginner disciple would have.

    However, today's time is unfortunate, otherwise, she will practice for a few more days, and maybe she will be able to go directly to the sword this time.

    [Actually, going directly from the teleportation point is much faster than going from the main entrance of the secret realm. 】The system interjected at this time.

    "Can I not know?" Ning Youli sat on the crane with a helpless expression, "Opening the secret realm is a major event, and many people from all sects and sects have come to test it, and I don't know how many eyes are watching in the dark. , Lingyun Peak has already registered the names of the people who are going to go this time, and I am also among them, and I have to go to the scene to call names."

    Dong to spring, the opening of the secret realm of Canglan is today.

    After Ning Youli left Xilian Peak that day, seven days later, the closed-door meeting between the sect master and the peaks ended. When Lu Ren received the news, he immediately went to report the matter to the peak master of Xilian Peak. It happened that there were two people next to him at the time: the sect master and the peak master of Lingyun Peak.

    In this way, she was summoned, and with the kind and amiable eyes of the Sect Master, and Xie Lingyun's elusive eyes, she was praised by the Peak Master of Xie Lian Peak.

    Then, she received "rewards" from the peak master and the sect master of Xilian Peak.

    "It must have taken a lot of effort and hard work to hatch the hidden fish! Come, take this as my thank you gift. I have a very good relationship with you Lingyun Peak, and you will be indispensable in the future for your help." Peak Lianfeng's character is quite bold, and he almost took out his family.

    The sect master on the side looked at her with a smile, and finally said slowly: "The future is terrible."

    Although the smile was unfathomable, he did not hesitate to give her a lot of things to encourage.

After contracting the fish pond, I caught fish ancestorsWhere stories live. Discover now