Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

    Early the next morning, Ning Youli came out on time to feed the demon.

    I thought that today was still a day of urging demons to work hard as usual, but I found that the greyhound who was doing well yesterday is very sluggish today, and has lost the vitality of the previous days.

    "What's wrong with you?" Ning Youli asked nervously and caringly.

    She is very concerned about this capable person. In terms of work, Greyhound tops ten, and all these demons can take a vacation, only he can't!

    "...Nothing." Yingchai shook his head and stood up with difficulty, his footsteps staggering.

    Ning Youli's eyes have been chasing, seeing the greyhound's footsteps that are not lightly injured, and he is even more puzzled, "Are you injured?" No way

    , could it be that the pressure these days is too much for the younger brothers to revolt already? But the other demon cultivators are very weak, not as serious as they can beat him...

    "It's just a small injury," Yingzhui replied.

    In fact, he didn't know why the Demon Venerable suddenly burst out last night and taught him a lesson.

    Do you think he's not working hard enough?

    Yingzui thought about it for a while, and found that he really had spare energy to work these days, and he didn't know how the Demon Venerable who was far away in the first pool noticed it... I can only say that it is indeed a Demon Venerable! Insight is far beyond human comparison.

    Still gotta work.

    Shadow recalled that in the years when Demon Venerable had no news, he was able to handle the affairs of the Demon World on his behalf, and this trivial matter could not trouble him.

    So Ning Youli watched helplessly as the goose and rabbit were eating fiercely, the greyhound not only did not come to participate, but instead walked down the mountain staggeringly.

    "Wait, don't you eat a little? It will be hard to be hungry." Ning Youli took out a packet of barbecued meat that he didn't finish yesterday, and also showed his compassion for the overworked employees.

    And Ying Chai just glanced back, and then speeded up and ran.

    ——For some reason, when he saw the meat, he had an ominous premonition, and his intuition told him that the anger of the Demon Lord yesterday might have something to do with this girl.


    Since being "ordered" by Su Yuchuan, Yingchai has worked harder.

    He is a kind of energetic person, he likes to patrol everywhere in the demon world, and he has placed as many as 487 eyeliners in the chaotic borders.

    Among the many things he likes, he is best at instructing those demon cultivators who are not long-sighted, do not obey the rules, and do not surrender.

    When Ning Youli came to the sixth pond where he was working today, what he saw was the greyhound running on the shore and the fish in the water being chased by him in groups.

    Shepherd, shepherd dog...?

    Ning Youli was stunned, and then saw that the greyhound had found him, changed direction, and walked all the way to her legs, raising his big head and looking begging to be touched.

    She hesitated for a moment, then leaned over and patted the dog on the head.

    YingZhui suddenly woke up, and instantly stiffened: Oh no, if you are not careful, let it go naturally... The disadvantage of turning

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