Chapter 110

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Chapter 110

    The banquet on Qingyunzong's side is over, but there is no official notification from the Devil's side.

    So, Su Yuchuan planned to take Ning Youli back to the Demon World.

    He wants everyone in the demon world to know that the girl standing beside him is the Madam Demon who has been recognized by him and is worthy of the respect of all people.

    Taking advantage of the fine weather today, the two went down the mountain, and soon came to the Demon Realm.

    Ning Youli had never seen the place where she stayed, but she was sure that the demon world in front of her was different from the atmosphere she felt when she came in before—if the former demon world made her feel desolate, the current demon world... just like As warm as home?

    I don't know if it was because she was influenced by the bond with Demon Venerable, or because there were rows of pretty flowers on the side of the road that didn't match the Demon Realm.

    "Does the devil world grow flowers like this?" Ning Youli couldn't help poking at one of them. The weak flower stem trembled, and a petal suddenly fell, which was very different from the thorns and vines that could be seen everywhere.

    She quickly put her hand away, for fear that the flower would fall apart by herself.

    "..." Su Yuchuan lowered his eyes and looked at the flower that stretched all the way to the magic palace, knowing that it must be the ghosts of the magic cultivators.

    At this moment, the twelve domain masters in the magic palace are going crazy.

    When they saw the Mozun Dao Companion Deed that day, they thought it was some daring cultivator of the same name, but when they took a closer look and figured it out, they couldn't calm down when they found that it was really their Lord Mozun. .

    I haven't seen you for a few days, how did you get your certificate secretly, Mozun! ?

    "What should I do! The Demon Venerable is coming back soon!"

    "It said that he was going to bring his wife...! How could the Demon Venerable form a contract in a blink of an eye??"

    "The Demon Venerable sent a letter a few days ago saying that the Demon World should be cleaned up... I put The flowers around the demon world have all moved in, alright?"

    "Cheng cheng... Do you think my hair is messy? Is my clothes appropriate..."

    "After seeing Mrs. Demon Venerable, what should we say so that we won't make Demon Venerable unhappy..."


    Shadow Chase leaned against the wall with his arms around, and the domain masters turned around like headless flies. Great fun.

    "Guardian Zuo, you're not helping them?" Yin Xue yawned, "Anyway, the Demon Venerable brought Miss Ning this time, so don't let them talk about it, noisy."

    "Look at how interesting they are . Yingzhui chuckled, and the corners of the already raised lips deepened, revealing a bit of canine teeth, "It's you, you can go in and clean up."

    "Inside?" Yinxue looked puzzled, "But there is only a sleeping place-- "

    She got it.

    "Then I'll clean up." The always lazy Right Protector cheered up, turned his head and disappeared. And Zuo Hufa finally put aside his thoughts of watching the excitement, and came over to give pointers to the twelve domain masters.

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