Chapter 98

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Chapter 98

    As soon as these words came out, Su Yuchuan fell into silence.

    This solution seems to be different from what he imagined...

    His eyes fell on the fish tank on the table.

    It was a pottery jar, slightly round in shape and delicate in texture. There is more than half of the water in it, and there is a fresh green water plant, which can be called exquisite.

    I don't know... how she kept the water in the altar.

    Looking at Su Yuchuan's silent face, Ning Youli uncomfortably grabbed his sleeves and stirred, and also looked at the jar.

    It was said to be a "fish tank", but because there was no glass here, she couldn't make the kind of transparent vessel in conventional cognition, so she found a clay pot instead.

    Anyway, what about raising fish? As long as it can hold water, it can be used as a fish tank. It is good to find a jar.

    She explained: "I remember that you can get smaller. It's not good to sleep here at night. No matter how big it is, I also thought about it, such as bringing an urn... But it's too big, and it's not easy to move.

    " The water from Lingyun Pond was specially placed!" The


    Su Yuchuan thought of that thing again, and choked again.

    He remembered that it was not all caught in the urn...

    Su Yuchuan stared at the pottery altar on the table for a while, and said, "I see some demonic energy nearby, and it is not very peaceful. I will guard it tonight."

    "Is there a demonic energy? Why didn't I feel it?" Ning You Li looked out the window blankly. They lived on the second floor of the inn. From here, they could only see the shadows of trees and the moon in the distant clouds.

    Su Yuchuan had already got up and walked to the door, answering the question: "I'm just outside, just call me if you need anything." With

    a "click", the red figure was already separated from the door.

    Ning Youli sat on the bed for a while, then looked at the closed door, and finally lay down on the bed.

    The Demon Lord didn't sleep all night.

    Su Yuchuan has long been accustomed to sleepless nights, standing against the wall at the door. In the meantime, I got the curious eyes of the guests who came and went in the corridor, and also shocked the shop assistant who came up in the middle of the night to close the window. But he was so imposing that no one dared to come forward to disturb him.

    When the light outside the window changed from deep blue and purple to cold white, the night was over.

    There began to be conversations downstairs in the inn, and gradually it became lively.

    The fragrance of the rice spread up the stairs, and the figure of the second shopkeeper busy running errands came and went over and over again.

    "Guest officer, what do you want to eat this morning?" When the shop assistant passed by again, he couldn't help but ask this guest like a doorman.

    Darling, this person is not easy to mess with! When Xiao Er was being watched by Su Yuchuan, his sixth sense, which had been in the arena for many years, told him so.

    Hearing this, Su Yuchuan looked back at the door. The room has been very quiet since the early morning, and no movement was heard.

    Probably haven't woken up yet.

After contracting the fish pond, I caught fish ancestorsWhere stories live. Discover now