Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    The stretcher is a semi-finished isolation net used to catch big fish. After that, it has been on the shore for a long time. There is a lot of moss on it. It is wet and slippery. .

    Ning Youli is very good at dealing with fish, and directly stretched out his hand to grab its gill cover and clamped it a little.

    Su Yuchuan: "..."

    "How can I feel that there is no change at all..."

    Ning Youli pulled up the silky pectoral fins of the big fish, then pushed aside the longer pelvic fins, and saw the long and dangerous wound.

    Still no sign of healing.

    Feeling that the big fish in his hand began to move again, Ning Youli continued to exert his strength, staring at the details around the broken scales, the pale translucent fish flesh with powder, and the quality of the flesh was very good at first sight...

    ah wrong!

    Ning Youli waved the picture of raw fish sashimi in his mind, frowned and lifted the fish's head up, "Xiaohong, have you been bullied by other fish?"

    Su Yuchuan was silent.

    Being held like this, he was completely speechless.

    Although he doesn't really speak.

    So why in the end, this woman not only does not touch him as much as possible, but also pays attention to it? It's not that most female monks like to be clean, and the one in front of them doesn't care if they get wet, and even stepped in with half of their feet.


    As for being bullied by other fish... a joke, he can kill all the fish in this pond in a split second...

    not right. Su Yuchuan was sober, why did he use killing fish to show his power as a demon?

    Su Yuchuan looked at the girl in front of him, unable to express his feelings in any words.

    Soon, Ning Youli put the big fish back.

    On the shore, she had begun to think to herself about the reason why the big fish had not been well for so long.

    "Generally speaking, there are those who are frightened, not adapting to the new environment, the oxygen in the water is too high, the space is too small... The latter can be excluded..."

    After returning to the water, Su Yuchuan waved his tail lazily.

    He has self-awareness - Heaven's way backlash, how can it be so easy.

    He forcibly did something that violated the Tao of Heaven, and he was severely injured because of this.

    But it is still difficult for him to understand... why is that mortal being sheltered by the Tao of Heaven?

    Su Yuchuan turned his gaze towards Ning Youli's surroundings, unexpectedly not seeing Qin Chu's figure. But this made him feel a lot better, and he couldn't see the culprit who put him in this situation, so he was comfortable.

    The bubbles in the water floated a few more times and burst at the highest point.

    Ning Youli rubbed his fingertips, and the touch of the cold and slippery scales still lingered on his fingertips, but he didn't have the fishy smell of ordinary fish.

    The so-called peerless top... even the body is fragrant.

    She lowered her eyes, and the big fish was floating lazily in the water, gentle and obedient, without any previous behavior similar to attacking Qin Chu.

After contracting the fish pond, I caught fish ancestorsWhere stories live. Discover now