Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

    It didn't take long for the bamboo pipes of the first pool to be cleaned up.

    Ning Youli was packing his things while listening to the system explaining the pulse he just detected.

    [That is a kind of prohibition, a kind of seal. ]

    [The male protagonist needs to use external force, or rely on himself to break through it, in order to cultivate like ordinary people. 】

    【But if it is an external force, it must be someone with the same level of strength as the lower restraint...】

    【How is it solved in the plot? 】Ning Youli suddenly asked.

    [This episode is not described in detail. ] The system flipped through the book, [but the male protagonist mentioned later that a noble person helped him break through the ban, and he didn't realize it at the time, only after realizing it...] The

    system stopped abruptly, and asked alertly: [Does the host want to be the nobleman of the male protagonist? 】

    【How is it possible, how can I have that ability. 】

    Ning Youli laughed in the bottom of his heart, and the system began to mutter again.

    She looked towards Qin Chu's direction. The young man was still holding the book and reciting it with concentration. His ability to remember it made him fluently flip through the pages at a speed that was astounding.

    He loves learning so much... Is there a possibility for him to break through?

    Ning Youli twitched his fingertips, his mind surging unconsciously.

    Although in the Qing Yun Sect, disciples who have not been able to get into the body for a long time will get a Foundation Establishment Pill to help, but how can the forcible pulling of the pills compare to their own initiative to break through? Besides, I don't know if there are any side effects of the medication...

    After packing up, Ning Youli also paused his thoughts. Compared with the male protagonist's long-term and unknown choice, there is still a lot of work waiting for her to deal with.

    So she came to Qin Chu, who was reciting the "Five Elements", "Junior Brother Qin, I will go to another Tianchi first. If anyone asks, just tell him directly."

    Qin Chu immediately closed the book, "What about me? ?"

    You could hear that there was a bit of anticipation in that tone.

    "Continue your endorsement here." Ning Youli found that Qin Chu seemed to be very concerned about cultivation, but it was a pity that he was only an outer disciple who could not be taught by a respected teacher. His brothers and sisters don't have any...

    No, let's count himself as one?

    Ning Youli was sure that he wanted him to accumulate more theoretical knowledge first, but when he saw the boy's lost expression, he suddenly felt that this decision was a bit inappropriate.

    ——If the male protagonist feels that he does not want to teach him or suppress him, is he not a good senior sister?

    Brain tonic is not a disease, the protagonist's brain is fatal.

    Ning Youli sighed softly, "However, it's not good for you to stay here alone. Xiaohong is afraid to come and bite you. If you want to come with me, come with me.

    " stuck on the mount.

    Two snow-white and arrogant cranes spread their wings, Qin Chu clumsily tried to climb them, but was pecked down again and again, without any face.

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