Chapter 100

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Chapter 100

    When she felt the bed beside her sink and a warm feeling lay down against her, Ning Youli regretted that it was too late.

    Where did her mind go just now? Why did you spit out this sentence?

    It must have been forced to wake up in the middle of the night with a dull mind... Ning Youli made up for himself.

    Now I can't sleep anymore.

    Ning Youli pinched the edge of the quilt, only sticking out half of his head. The top of the bed in the inn is pretty good... There are tassel on it, what is the pattern? I can't see clearly...

    The temperature on the side of the body became more and more obvious because of the close contact. Ning Youli tightened his body and did not dare to move, and his heart was already empty.

    Since she can remember, she has been accustomed to sleeping alone, and now there is an extra person around her, which makes her feel uncomfortable and her heart is pounding, making her unable to calm down at all.

    Let's go to'll be fine when you fall asleep...

    Ning Youli didn't dare to turn his head or move, and secretly glanced at Su Yuchuan out of the corner of his eye. The big fish she picked up with one hand lay very well and didn't make any move of overstepping, which made her feel a little relieved.

    Why didn't she react? Although Xiaohong was a fish, she was also a man...

    At this moment, Su Yuchuan was also staring at the top of the bed.

    The bed was short and narrow for him, and he had to bend his knees slightly and stretch his body to keep himself fully on it.

    He probably shouldn't have agreed just now.

    The person he misses is by his side. Through the clothes, Su Yuchuan felt a touch of softness and warmth, and quickly put that little hesitation behind him.

    If possible, he prefers to turn around and take the person in his arms, so that it will not be crowded.

    Su Yuchuan smelled the faint fragrance lingering in his nose, and his Adam's apple moved slightly. He was very familiar with this fragrance, and he could smell it every day.

    Thinking about it, I don't know how long it has passed. Just as Su Yuchuan was concentrating on recalling the past, the people around him moved slightly and pressed closer to him.

    His heart skipped a beat and he was almost in a panic.

    The vague voice came from his ears, and before Su Yuchuan could hear it clearly, he felt the soft heat coming over again.

    This time, he was firmly leaning against him.

    Su Yuchuan's thoughts were confused for a moment, and he made a move - he moved to the side of the bed.

    He tilted his head slightly and found that the girl had fallen into a deep sleep, and these movements just felt crowded unconsciously.

    Su Yuchuan closed his eyes.

    But it didn't take long for him to perceive Ning Youli's movement, and even pushed him with his hands and feet.

    He compromised again and moved cautiously towards the bed.

    This action was repeated several times in a row.

    In this way, Ning Youli, who was not completely relaxed, squeezed out unconsciously while half asleep, subconsciously still wondering why he was so idle next to him.

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