Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

    As long as the rarity is "peerless" raw materials, no matter what.

    On the way back to Qing Yunzong, Ning Youli kept thinking about this sentence in his mind.

    She can probably understand that this "peerless" medicinal material is not the most important part of the medicine, but only a medicinal guide.

    But this does not play a fundamental role in the introduction of medicine, but it is often the most important.


    Ning Youli silently recited the word, and naturally remembered the scarlet figure.

    Of course, she has peerless materials, and it can be said that she has everything - that big fish that she rescued and kept in captivity in the first pool, even if it is just a fish scale, has an unimaginably great value. Not to mention the size of the big fish, which is invaluable.

    But... even the smallest scales have to be pulled out alive.

    Are you willing?

    of course not.

    Ning Youli couldn't help but sigh that things in this world seem to be traceable. She has long regarded Xiaohong as her pet. Even when she was just fished out and seriously injured, she would not be as entangled as she is now.

    So, a long time ago, the scales that were picked up in the secret realm came in handy.

    She handed the scale to the strange doctor, avoiding his probing and fiery eyes, and only said, "I picked it up by accident." The

    scales are really big, much bigger than Xiaohong's body. She was still a little reluctant.

    "After seven days, you can come and pick it up at any time." Fortunately, Mo Wangde didn't ask any more questions, he just let her go.

    Ning Youli was relieved that things had turned around so quickly, and was about to leave Yu Jian, but he always felt that something was wrong behind him.

    But when she turned her head, only the woods were empty, and the wind blew the leaves and rustled.

    Ning Youli stared at the sunlight falling from the crevices of the branches for a while, then turned around, [Is there someone behind? 】

    I have long heard that people who come out of the ghost market will be followed more or less. Therefore, every time she came out, she was very alert to the situation behind her.

    It was normal a few times before, but now... although there is no figure nearby, it gives a strange feeling of being watched.

    [There is no nearby aura detected, and it can be regarded as a non-stalker. 】The system's answer is very comprehensive, 【It is not ruled out that the other party used the means of concealing traces; or the aura is not high, and it has been perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment. ]

    Farming system, although there is no monitoring like GPS, it can capture aura. Spiritual objects with abundant spiritual energy are like fire in the darkness; those with ordinary or even weak spiritual energy will blend into the darkness.

    The last time I used this function was when I found another peerless big fish in the secret realm. It's just that she didn't see that one with her own eyes, she only knew that it was bigger and more powerful than Xiaohong, so she had to avoid it.

    Ning Youli calmed down and listened carefully to the sounds around him. As the system said, she didn't find any abnormal sound.

    Could it be... is she really oversensitive?

After contracting the fish pond, I caught fish ancestorsWhere stories live. Discover now