Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    In the sparkling fish pond, the big fish froze for a moment, their round eyes seemed to light up a little, and then they went to search for other fish that were floating or sinking.

    That obviously more positive eating attitude than usual, probably already indulged in this gluttonous feast.

    The fish feed made by the system is very fragrant.

    Fragrance is no longer an exaggerated adjective. When carrying a bucket, I really feel an oncoming aroma, sweet but not greasy, fragrant but not choking, fresh but not fishy.

    Ning Youli even suspected that an advanced unknown food attractant was added to it.

    In this regard, the system is righteous and strict: [This is the system's excellent processing technology, which extracts and retains the most delicious taste of the material, which is a very high-end skill. ]

    Ning Youli moved his eyes suspiciously, and the big fish swimming comfortably in the fish pond quickly dispelled this doubt.

    It seems to be the case.

    She immediately felt very satisfied, very good, this function is very good, and the fish feed made is also very palatable. After a while, she can use the rest of the feed to feed other fish in Tianchi, and then compare the growth rate of the spiritual fish with and without the feed.

    Especially in the past two years, because of boredom, there are many high-rarity varieties that are specially bred in several Tianchi. Only by feeding more nutritious ones can they grow faster. If the effect is ideal, more feed can be processed and even sold, which is another bonus.

    But now, feeding the big fish is the main job.

    Thinking of this, Ning Youli found a dry stone on the bank and sat down, pulled a wooden bucket full of fish feed in one hand, and a scoop in the other, scooped out a scoop and threw it into the water.

    The aroma of the fish feed not only captured the hearts of the big fish, but also attracted a considerable number of other fish. Under the bamboo bed, there were many fish shadows that were not usually seen, and they came up to peck at the bottom of the bamboo bed, but unfortunately Not even half of it.

    Ning Youli was afraid that the fish would startle the big fish to eat, so he threw the next scoop far away in the opposite direction and successfully led the fish aside.

    "This pond should also be cleaned..."

    Ning Youli sighed, turned around, and boredly held his chin to watch the big fish devour several by one.

    It's so cute and stress-free.

    She couldn't help throwing fish feed into it again, her eyes never taking her eyes off the red.

    The big fish kept eating, and she kept throwing it.

    I don't know how long it took, the scoop in her hand made a crisp sound, and it hit the bottom of the bucket.


    Ning Youli hadn't reacted in a while, and he stirred his hands around it a few times, and then lowered his head to confirm it carefully.

    Really, only a few grains left on the side.

    Her heart throbbed twice, and it was a sense of shock called being hollowed out... She knew that this big fish could eat it, but she didn't expect it to be so edible! ?

    No, when Jin Fuzhu was being fed, there were already signs...

    Looking at the pond again, Big Fish also looked up at her, as if he hadn't eaten enough.

After contracting the fish pond, I caught fish ancestorsWhere stories live. Discover now