Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

    At this moment, Li Qingfeng looked at Qin Chu with burning eyes.

    "Why, you don't want to?" Li Qingfeng has always been straight, and when Qin Chu didn't respond for a long time, his brows immediately wrinkled.

    Qin Chu seemed to wake up from a dream, looked at Li Qingfeng, and said in a jerky tone: "It's not that the disciple is unwilling to..."

    "Then you are afraid that Lingyunfeng will not let him go?" Li Qingfeng immediately picked up the words, "It's okay, The Sect Master doesn't care about this matter, as long as Peak Master Xie lets go, everything will be easy to talk about. Moreover, he will not let go." The

    disciples on the side looked at each other with amazement. They have heard that the peak master of Jianjian Peak is a little impatient, and they have heard such evaluations from several peak masters, but after seeing it over the years, the peak master of Jianjian Peak in their eyes is completely stable and cold. , so they thought it was a joke among the peak masters...

    See you today, sure enough?

    But Peak Master Li, when you say this, are you really bullying Peak Master Xie for being good-natured? ?

    The disciples looked at Qin Chu and sighed. This little-known junior brother, because of you, Li Feng's composure that he has honed from his swordsmanship can no longer be maintained.

    Then, Qin Chu spoke again.

    "It's not because of this... The disciple still has important things to do at Lingyun Peak..." Qin Chu said, and glanced aside.

    Ning Youli received his gaze, and immediately took a step back, his face tightened.

    No way? see what i do? something to do with me?

    Fortunately, Li Qingfeng didn't ask or read it, but said directly: "This is not contradictory to joining Jianjian Peak, I can give you time to finish things first."

    He even expressed his approval, "Being able to concentrate Doing what you want to do well is also a must-have on the road to repair."

    Ning Youli was very stunned.

    As expected of the male protagonist, someone even helped him find a reason.

    Li Qingfeng scolded the surrounding disciples again: "What are you doing here! How many hours have you been cultivating today? Don't go to

    work!" The disciples hurriedly dispersed.

    When I just woke up, how could I have time to practice.

    The slandered disciple completely forgot that Qin Chu got up before dawn to practice swordsmanship, which caused a series of incidents.

    Ning Youli sighed, look, this comparison shows the diligence of the male protagonist.

    On the way back, Sang Xu suddenly said: "Tell me, why does Junior Brother Qin practice swordsmanship in Hanshan?"

    She turned her head, her eyes narrowed, "Could it be that Li Fengzhu deliberately looked at it..."

    Ning Youli was right You know, Lingyun Peak has a steep terrain, cultivated fields and cultivated medicine, and there are many huge Tianchi, almost no spacious flat land. But Hanshan is different. The bluestone pavement is flat and wide. The stairs from the mountain gate to Shangtianheng Pavilion are empty, not to mention the open space around the buildings.

    Therefore, she replied: "Lingyun Peak has no suitable place to practice swords, and it is very close to Hanshan. Besides, there is no one in Hanshan in the early morning. At this time, Li Fengzhu is only watching his disciples practice swordsmanship at Jianjian Peak. It's like a coincidence."

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