Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    In this world, apart from Su Yuchuan himself, no one knew what his original form was.


    Whether it is when the chaos of consciousness only knows how to devour it, or when the cultivation base is diligent and can be transformed into a human body, what he sees and hears, he understands one truth: there is absolutely no one in the world who can be easily trusted.

    Therefore, he has never exposed his original form in front of anyone, and even his subordinates have only seen him in human form.

    Except for the left guardian law shadow chase.

    This prototype is a dog, a subordinate with an extremely sensitive sense of smell, who recognized him when he first saw his original form. Apart from him, there is no one else.

    Therefore, the right protector also does not know.

    On the contrary, he can recognize his subordinates, as well as the demon cultivators and demon cultivators who belong to the demon world, just by his breath. So the first time he saw this black and white tabby cat, he knew that this was his right protector.

    Right Protector... Why did you come to Lingyun Pond?

    Su Yuchuan didn't know why, but he was sure that the other party didn't know that he was here, let alone that the fish was him, and he was the fish.

    Could it be... is he really treating him as food?

    Su Yuchuan was noncommittal and watched the cat rush towards him.

    Since the Right Protector is here, isn't the Left Protector with her? While thinking about this question, Su Yuchuan considered whether to use his tail to teach her a lesson.

    Just when the cat was about to pounce on him, he made a decision - dive directly to a depth of a few meters without making contact with it.

    Only after hearing the sound of "Plop!", the cat fell into the water, barked a few times, and began to struggle.

    Su Yuchuan watched from the wall with an indifferent expression. He had indeed heard that the Right Protector is that cats are afraid of water, but he has never seen it with his own eyes. When he saw it today, it was as rumored... The

    water in the pond was surging for a while, and finally calmed down. It was so quiet that one could not help but wonder if the cat was like this Suffocated to death.

    The next moment, a figure stood up from the water.

    "Scared my mother to death!"

    Yin Xue sneezed, and angrily stroked her jet-black hair, her charming cat's eyes were moist and red, which made the green and lustrous green even more radiant.

    She stretched out her hand and rolled up her sleeves, which were tightly wrapped due to the soaking, revealing her white lotus-like arms, and then walked to the shore, and twisted out a handful of water from the high-slit black skirt. .

    The Dharma Protector Right's clothes, which were soaked all over her body, were tighter and more graceful. It was a pity that no one appreciated the scenery. She was just a poor kitten who fell into the water alone.

    This is downright humiliation! Yinxue gritted her teeth and thought about it. She rolled in the water for a long time before she realized that she could become a human being. When she stood up, she realized that the water over there was very shallow.

After contracting the fish pond, I caught fish ancestorsWhere stories live. Discover now