Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

    At first, Ning Youli just wanted to do a simple filter for the fish pond.

    The system can provide many effective auxiliary functions, and with the upgrade, the production process will become more and more convenient.

    The pipes can be replaced with bamboo, the pumps can be replaced with waterfalls, and the hoses can also be replaced with the sturdy casings of giant beasts... But only the connection between the pipes and the pump body requires hands-on work.

    Until this step, Ning Youli found that many problems that he hadn't noticed before had surfaced.

    In the world of self-cultivation, monks can use spiritual power to drive objects - this is the most basic spell, and naturally the easiest way to drive - such as simple displacement.

    Different from "Blood Inscription" which gives spirits "a sense of obedience", this spell just makes things move according to the cultivator's mind, such as flipping books, taking things, and brushing people away.

    Therefore, the best way to move the pipe into a high-impact waterfall and secure it is this one.

    But at the same time, it also requires a certain amount of strength.

    If the blood engraving is built-in by the system and requires a large amount of spiritual power of the host plus a small amount of physical and physical spiritual power, then this drive only requires a certain level of spiritual power.

    At least build a foundation.

    And to drive large items, or use them properly, it is necessary to build a foundation in the middle stage and above.

    And Ning Youli is not in this range.

    After standing on the shore for a long time, Ning Youli made a decision:

    "I choose to study hard first."

    It is impossible to enter the water, so first improve the strength to build a foundation, at least after the foundation is built, you can fly.

    [Host... Do you want to think about it again... Or ask the seniors for help? ] The system is also very entangled. According to Ning Youli's current physique and strength, it is extremely difficult to enter the waterfall, and there is a high possibility of being swept away.


    it's all coming.

    When the system came back to its senses, Ning Youli had already started walking back with the pipe in hand.


    cloud dwelling.

    When Ning Youli came back, he saw a white and a green figure standing at the door from a distance, like immortals on the clouds.

    The only person who can wear white in Lingyun Peak and has such a bearing is the peak master of Lingyun Peak; and the only person who can often follow him is the chief disciple Pei Jue.

    If ordinary disciples saw the two coming together, they would either feel that Sansheng was lucky, or they would feel uneasy, but Ning Youli

    looked at the long bamboo that he was carrying.

    It's over, do you want to hide this?

    However, how could the disciples of the mere qi refining stage escape the attention of the cultivators in the Jindan stage and the spiritual transformation stage. Before she could move, the two of them had already discovered her and came to her immediately.

After contracting the fish pond, I caught fish ancestorsWhere stories live. Discover now