Chapter 106

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Chapter 106

    When the blazing thunder and lightning were about to cover, Ning Youli felt his eyes dim, and then fell into a warm and solid embrace.

    "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the scorching light hit the spot where she was standing just now, smashing the ground paved with bluestone.

    The snow melted and the ground blackened.

    Ning Youli hadn't realized what had happened until he felt the tiny stones hit his face.

    Physiological tears flowed down her eyes, followed by a scorching tingling sensation. When she looked elsewhere, she clearly felt that there were light spots flashing in front of her eyes, the shape of the light just now.

    what is that?

    Ning Youli endured the pain and glanced around, only to feel that everything he saw was amazingly bright, and there was a deep blush, creepy and coquettish.

    "Don't look." One hand covered her eyes, and a familiar voice sounded in her ears, which inexplicably made her feel at ease.

    Ning Youli subconsciously grabbed the hand in front of her, and her fingertips unconsciously exerted force, "...What's the matter?"

    Su Yuchuan didn't answer her, but looked up.

    Within a few breaths of him taking the girl to avoid, a thunder dragon again condensed on the clouds.

    The huge and powerful Thunder Dragon opened his empty eyes, the thunder and lightning that formed his body were the thickest and brightest, and the thunder light flickered in his mouth, ready to go.

    It seems that Tiandao is determined to kill her... Su Yuchuan's eyes are deep, and there is a haze that has never existed between his brows.

    "Boom!!!" There

    was another deafening thunder, and three thunderbolts fell at the same time, with the potential of thunder.

    At this moment, Su Yuchuan could no longer hide his demonic energy. He let go of all the previous suppression. The chaotic and majestic demonic energy instantly enveloped the entire Lingyun Peak, turning it into darkness.

    The heavy snow was still falling, but the goose feather-like snowflakes could no longer be blown into the barrier formed by the demonic energy. Su Yuchuan mobilized all his strength to support the barrier, and listened to the angry thunderbolt hitting the barrier one after another. He barely showed it at all, just hugged Ning Youli tightly.

    Until——he finally put down the hand covering the girl's eyes involuntarily.

    Ning Youli finally saw the scene in front of him. The dense fog covered the sky, the thunder, lightning, and snow were mixed together. The towering trees fell down, and the huge rocks fell into powder... The place where countless spiritual plants were planted turned into a piece of scorched earth. You can imagine this thunder. How powerful is the power.

    "This is... whose thunder tribulation?" She was horrified, holding Su Yuchuan's hand tightly and not letting go.

    "It's not Thunder Tribulation."

    Su Yuchuan took a deep look at the girl in his arms. Until now, he finally realized something from those strange dreams.

    He wanted to kill the "Qin Chu" in his dream, and was warned by Tiandao, but even so, he was still alive. And the girl who never existed in the dream was regarded by Heavenly Dao as someone who had to be eradicated——Looking at the power of the Thunder Dragon, there was no room for him to stay.

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