Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    Ning Youli still has some impressions about the "Secret Realm of Canglan".

    If I remember correctly, this is the only secret realm she has unlocked so far, there is no danger, and she can communicate with Lingquan Eye.

    After verifying with the system, the system affirmed her memory.

    Right now, Ning Youli was standing in front of the Tianchi Lake on the top of the mountain, and clearly saw a bright circular light spot appearing behind the four characters "Canglan Secret Realm" in the system's field of vision, and three words were written behind the light spot: teleportation point.

    Before this, this inconspicuous dot was still gray, and it was not unlocked due to inexperience.

    "Enough experience now?" Ning Youli couldn't help but wonder.

    【Yes. ] The system replied, [The host has accumulated enough experience to open the teleportation point through the daily activities of patrolling fish ponds and making tools these days. ]

    The teleportation point, as the name suggests, is a function that can instantly transfer people to their destination.

    Combined with the fact that Lingquan Eye can be connected to various secret realms, it means that she can travel back and forth between Qing Yunzong and various secret realms without restrictions in the future.

    "It seems to be very strong..."

    Thinking of this possibility, Ning Youli murmured unconsciously.

    [The host is right. 】The system also timely affirmed, 【Once the system is upgraded to open all permissions, the entire secret realm of the cultivation world will become your warehouse. 】

    "Won't you be punished by God?" Ning Youli was a little unbelievable. After all, this is the world of self-cultivation, and everyone who asks for it has to pay a price.

    [Theoretically not. ] The system said, [About the 'special functions' given by the system for free, this is the best result of maximizing the benefits after exploring the host's surrounding environment. ]

    [This is the most logical choice, and it is also the answer agreed by Heavenly Dao. 】

    Ning Youli was directly shocked.

    Can this also be understood as... the world gave her a hang?

    However, looking at the 'Canglan Mystery Realm' teleportation point that lit up in his field of vision, Ning Youli, who kept his mission firmly in mind, did not click on it after all.

    Curiosity killed the cat, so it's better not to try before you are absolutely sure...

    Ning Youli decided not to die, but she was looking forward to other secret realms more and more.

    She remembered that the previous system said 'randomness means danger', and decided to improve her own strength first.

    According to the setting in the book, each stage is divided into early, middle and late stages.

    Well, first set a small goal: from the early stage of Qi refining to the later stage of Qi refining.


    time flies, six months have passed in the blink of an eye.

    "System, check myself."

    Ning Youli discovered a new way to play.

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