Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

    Another sunny day.

    The towering trees pierce into the sky, shedding countless pieces of sunlight, birds chasing and playing in the woods, and there are bursts of grass and trees.

    There is a protruding highland in the pool of the third pool. Because of the lush water and grass, it looks like a small island, and on this small island, a gray figure has been standing still for a long time...

    Since the early morning, the shadow chase has been posted for at least an hour. stay.

    The details of getting along with Demon Venerable last night are vivid in my eyes, and Demon Venerable's words seem to come to my ears over and over again. But because the feeling brought by those words was too shocking, he didn't even remember to ask where the Demon Venerable was now, so he parted with the other party again.

    However, if the Demon Venerable didn't mention it, there must be his reasons.

    Yingzhui didn't question Su Yuchuan's intentions, but only knew that he had received the order, and he must execute it and complete it perfectly.

    This is the order of the Demon Venerable!

    So, when the three geese came to look for Ying Chase, what they saw was a left guard who was different from yesterday's normal and was fighting with a fast speed.

    "Lord Zuo, Zuo Dharma..." When they were carrying people behind their backs, they still called Yingzhui "Zuo Dharma", not the "boss" that was temporarily suppressed yesterday.


    "When are you going to leave here?" Big Goose asked tentatively.

    The land of the sect is completely different from what they imagined, and the disciples inside are also really ruthless, ouch... now my arms are still hurting.

    "Are you going?" Yingzhui asked back.

    "Hmmmm!" The three geese nodded again and again.

    They thought of it as a matter of course: since they didn't find Lord Mozun, and they were locked here by a sect disciple, it was impossible to accept their fate, and they had to hug their thighs and escape from here!

    The left protector is this thigh.

    The three geese looked at Yingchai expectantly, believing that he must have a way to leave.

    Unexpectedly, Shadow Chase snorted lightly and said, "Mozun has an order, we want us to work hard here.

    " This retarded order.

    Protector Zuo, you are not lying to us, are you? ? Just to make us work more?

    "If you don't do well, you don't have to go back." Ying Zui thought for a while, and added another sentence.

    Hearing this, the three geese were so frightened that they didn't dare to say a word for a moment.

    The meaning of this... It doesn't mean that if you don't do well, don't even think about going back alive! ?

    Lord Mozun, you are so hard to guess, and so cruel!

    "Gululu..." YingZhui

    's ears perked up, "What's the sound?" The

    big goose was stunned, "It's my subordinate's stomach screaming.

    " I didn't expect that the magic cultivator also has inedia.

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