Kallamar x sick reader

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(my idea)

Kallamar was running around worried for Y/N, she has gotten sick again, this is the fourth time this week and Kallamar thought that he was the cause of this"Y/N! Y/N! am so sorry!"Kallamar said panicking"w-wha..?"Y/N was really confused and dizzy"w-why? i-it isnt you f-fault...*cough*"Y/N said"NO! i-its my fault you are sick...it b-because of my powers.."Kallamar said, Y/N looked at him, Y/N noticed that he was showing fear and sympathy"no its-*cough* *cough* not- *cough* *cough*"Y/N cough worsen"Y-Y/N..? please-"Kallarmar was cut off"I will rest K-Kallamar j-just please...I just n-need some c-camellia f-flowers"Y/N said"a-alright I-I will call Leshy"Kallamar said, Kallamar called in Leshy to give Y/N some camellia flowers, she was fine after and Kallamar was able to rela a bit"thank god your okay"Kallamar said"yeah thank god for that"Y/N said"I will make sure you never ever ever get sick again"Kallamar said"sure you will...tiger"Y/N said kissing Kallamar on his forehead, Kallamar blushed but kissed her back....

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