Canons (Nautilus)

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Thanks to Albau00 for the wonderful lore and ideas they gave me, now onto the canons:

-Nautilus is the type of guy to be a joker, telling dumb jokes or just funny ones, in hopes to make people smile

-But he is one to also be strict, a lot about his territory, trespassers are not going to be spared from their nightmares once Nautilus catches them in his realm without permission

-His realm is filled with people who are much of heavy sleepers, sleeping from days to even months

-He is not one to fight, but he will use his dream powers to make an enemy's worst nightmare come true

-He doesn't like the Lamb for obvious reasons, the real reason is because once, the Lamb trespassed into his realm and escaped...multiple times

-He adores Heket, treating her like the queen she deserves to be (Because yes)

-He is trans, he will also not take lightly when people "confuse" his gender

-He is more of a people pleaser

-He likes to annoy Julius, no he doesn't, he LOVES it

-Though, he lets Julius take a break of course

-He likes to spend time with his brothers/best friends

-He really likes to tease Heket, either making sexual jokes or just straight up embarrassing her

-He acts tough, but in reality, he just likes to play innocent, children games

-He really, really, really likes to help people with dreams

-Mostly in his realm, hardly anyone is awake, as they are in their own dream, their own reality

-He is able to stop time by dreaming, but he faces the danger himself, leaving his friends to escape and not be harmed

-He really likes to style himself up, he may be the type of guy to not care of his clothing, but he is

(I think that is all, thank you Albau for helping me, now see ya on the other end of the galaxy!)

(New canon)

-He has trauma of beating his own mother to death

-Was made to believe that his mother was the reason of his father's death

-He lost the two most important persons of his life

-Wishes he could revive his own mother and take her place in the afterlife

-As a way of punishment, once a month, he locks himself into his chamber and chains himself up, letting some heretics beat him up just like he did his mother

-Everyone wonders why he has so many injuries once a month, he just dismisses it

-Cries himself to sleep, hoping that his mother is living a great life in the afterlife

-Wishes he can die and go to hell for what he did

-Hides his own feelings and never lets out his true colors

(That is all, I know it is very angsty, same with the Julius one, but there will be less angst in the Diablo's one, only a little, tiny, itty, bitty bit of angst, now see ya on the other end of the galaxy!)

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