Yandere Bishops x follower reader

915 13 4

Requested by Diamondwolf546

(Dont ask me, dont kill me, just enjoy, also, all of them look hot tho-)

(Warning: This will have yanderes 'which are poorly made by me' and horny bishops, and a bit of NSFW I guess?)

Writer POV:

Y/N was walking around until he saw Leshy looking at them, he looks at Leshy and smiles at him, Leshy smiles back as he approaches them, Leshy pins them to a wall "g-great leader...?" said Y/N as Leshy began to kiss their neck, Y/N gasps and tries to get out of Leshy's grasp, Leshy continues to kiss their neck, he bites their neck, wanting Y/N all to himself, not letting them go, Leshy continues to bite Y/N's neck, hoping to make them his, lucky for Y/N, they were able to escape Leshy, Leshy growls as he tries to find Y/N...

Y/N hides in Anura, keeping away from Leshy, until they were pinned by Heket, Heket sits on top of them and begins to kiss them on the lips, she involved her tongue, wanting to make Y/N hers, Y/N blushes wildly as he tries to push her off, but he cant as he is too small compered to Heket, after a while, Heket begins to kiss them on their neck, Y/N squirms around, wanting to get away, out of luck, Y/N was able to run away and runs to Anchordeep...

Y/N was running, until he accidently bumped into Kallamar, he quickly grabs Y/N with his tentacles and begins to touch Y/N's body with his tentacles, Y/N gasps and blushes as he tries to get away but cant, the feeling of Kallamar's tentacles around his body feel good, Y/N tries to resist, Kallamar kisses Y/N, grabbing a shiny knife and putting it on their neck, blood coming out, Kallamar licks the blood as he makes a cut on Y/N's neck, licking the cut, Y/N blushes even more, with a miracle Y/N runs away, Kallamar feeling angered he sends his bosses and witness to go after them....

Y/N went to Silk Cradle, where Shamura lunges at them and starts to bite their neck, tracing their body with their claw, making Y/N whimper a bit as he looks around, trying to find a way to get out, Shamura bites hard enough to leave a mark on Y/N's neck "the bite of the bishop, now you are truly mine Y/N" said Shamura as they suck on the bite mark, Y/N blushes wildly as they tries to push Shamura off, Shamura stabs Y/N's arm, making Y/N stop, out of luck again, Y/N escapes, going outside the realms, they go to an abandoned land...

Y/N sees no one around, they go over to a giant rock and tries to heal their injury, they were successful and were able to heal their arm, they went deeper into the abandoned lands, eventually finding a hut, he went their and saw dead people everywhere, Y/N runs around, trying to escape as they see a light, they run there and see themselves back to the abandoned place where they healed their arm, lucky for them to find it, unlucky for them to find the bishops there, the bishops lunge at Y/N each of them trying to pleasure Y/N, in the end...lets just say that the bishops got to keep Y/N...got to keep them emotionally and physically...

(So, I know this sucks, but I tried to make it a bit NSFW, it is the first time ever, so I really hope you guys enjoyed this now see ya on the other end of the galaxy!)

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