The Bishops x Bishop OC

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(my idea, this sets before Narinders betrayal)

Leshy POV:

Little sibling huh, I wonder are they really that powerful?, no matter I can teach them how to use their teeth!, am sure that will come in handy, Narinder looks very excited to see our little sibling, so is Shamura! I am a little nervous though, what if he doesnt like me?!, no am sure he will!, I am the great god of chaos, I should never be that afraid, if I spend enough time with them, then he would like me!, I will become their favorite!...

Heket POV:

I will protect them, I dont care what kind of god they are, even if their so powerful, I dont care, they are still my little sibling, and my job is to protect him with my life!, I will make sure that they will never feel unprotected, I must, he are my little brother now, with all of this protecting am confident I will be their favorite...

Narinder POV:

My little sibling is finally here, clauneck told me that they will be more powerful than all of us combined, which is extrodinary, a little sibling stronger than all of us, my little sibling will sure to vow to protect us all, I wonder what kind of god they will be, clauneck never told me nor my sibling what god they is, no matter am sure they will be a great god and cult leader!, I am sure I will become their favorite!..

Kallamar POV:

A little sibling!, it has been long since we got another one, I can teach him how to use daggers and swords!, or how to shoot projectiles, oh oh!, or maybe how to use curses!, theres so many things I can teach my little brother!, am sure that I will make a great big brother!, am sure I will be their favorite!...

Shamura POV:

A new shepherd to join the flock, I can see an amazing future with our little sibling, as the leader and oldest, I shall protect them from harms way, I shall teach him the ways of the old faith, a future....he holds a great future, I can teach them how to use his powers and how to lead a cult, with this in mind, I will become their favorite sibling...

Writers POV:

The five bishops stand in a circle, awaiting their little sibling, Clauneck looked at Shamura, to which Shamura nodded, and so the little sibling was showed to the five bishops, Clauneck had three tarot cards, Clauneck fliped one, with the image of the bishops little brother with their name on the top"their name is Khronos, he is one in a hundred, with their name meaning time"said clauneck, Leshy and Narinder seemed facinated by this fact, Heket let out a smirk while Kallamar squeel with happiness, Shamura smiled at this fact, Clauneck then flipped another card this time with the image of Khronos using their powers"his powers are being able to control sand, with the sand he is able to go into the future or past, and they can also use the sand to stop the time everywhere and to forsee the future and recall the past"said Clauneck, Narinder was very happy to hear that his little sibling can see the future like Shamura, Kallamar was smiling with joy, Leshy and Heket were very excited to teach their little sibling how to use their powers, Shamura seemed to not show it but he was very, very happy to know that she was not the only one who can see the future, they wanted to show their little brother how to use their forseeing and recalling powers, Clauneck happy with their expresions flipped the final card with an image of Khronos with a dead follower in their hand"But with how powerful they are, he is not to show mercy on those who dissent against the old faith, even if they convinced to not do it, he will do it later if he feels no mercy on dissenters"Leshy and Kallamar seemed a bit scared with that fact, Heket and Narinder had their happiness dropped down, Shamura was fine with them showing little mercy but were more keen on making him more symphatic, with all of this, it was time to take little Khronos to teach and train them....

(maybe a part 2?, hope ya enjoyed this, see ya in the other end of the galaxy!)

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