Leshy x follower reader 2

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(requested by 2 persons, hope you enjoy)

its been a few days since the lambs sacrifice, really Y/N was enjoying his life with Leshy"hey Leshy..?"Y/N asked"yes love?"Leshy said"are you....are you going to be alright?"Y/N asked"of course I am, why do you ask Y/N?"Leshy said"because the lamb....hes back...isnt he.."Y/N said, Leshy was taken a back by this"h-how do you..."Leshy got cut off"you think am stupid?....the lamb is getting its revenge and its all going to start by killing you first Leshy..."Y/N said, Leshy felt guilty"i-im sorry Y/N I thought that maybe you shouldnt knew so that you dont worry..."Leshy said, the conversation fell into silence, Leshy was going to leave until two pair of hands grabbed him"promise me that you will be careful..."Y/N said looking at Leshys eyes"I...."Leshy knew that he wasnt going to be careful"....I will try..."Leshy said, Y/N seemed to calm down a bit, Leshy kissed Y/N and left, he was in his temple, waiting for the lamb"I grow tired of you, little lamb, time to put an end to this FRIVOLOUS MASQUERADE"Leshy said as he turned into his eldritch form....


Y/N was waiting for Leshy to come back...but he didnt, Y/N waited and waited still...no Leshy...Y/N went over to look for him at his temple...only to find him dead"n-no..."Y/N said as he ran to Leshys corpse"N-NO"Y/N shouted as he began to cry...the other bishops found Y/N with Leshys body next to him, Kallamar tried to comfort him, while Heket and Shamura grab the corpse of Leshy....A funeral has begun, the lost of Leshy...it was raining the bishops left their flowers for Leshy while Y/N stayed behind"L-Leshy....you gave it your best....I love you..."Y/N said as he left his flower and left the funeral still crying....Y/N became the new vessal of the green crown...and he promised Leshy that he was going to avenge him for what the lamb did....

(there you go, now see ya in the other end of the galaxy!)

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