Shamura x OC

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(ok hear me out, in my AU my cult of the lamb OC's are NOT related to the other Bishops AKA Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, Shamura and Narinder, neither are you guys request with a bishops x bishop reader, if you want your bishops reader to be related tell me in your request, BUT there will not be any romance between the related bishops and reader bishop only how they get along or hate, hope you understand)

(Wintery night when Shika sees Shamura stressing out)

Shika(name of OC) was going to Anura to relax for a bit, all the stress about the cult really got to his nerves, he closed his eyes for a bit and felt someone sit besides him, he opened his eyes to see Heket besides him"stress?"Heket asked"yes"Shika answered"you know, when me and my brothers started our cults we also felt stressed"Heket said, Shika can tell that Heket was trying to make him feel better"yeah, thanks"Shika said still stressed"maybe you can talk with Shamura"Heket said, Shika nodded"yeah of course"Shika said, Heket smiles a bit because she knows that the mysterious deer likes the big spider, she of course will make sure he doesnt have a mouth nor eyes if he breaks her sibling's heart, atlast Shika got to silk cradle, he was greeted by all the residents and critters there, after getting to Shamura's temple two guards stood still, they noticed Shika, the cardinal of the hunt with his big antlers, the guards immediately bowed and opened the door for him, Shika thanked them and went inside, there Shamura can be seen stressing out"s-shamura?!-"Shika was cut off with Shamura pulling him towards them, Shamura hugs him tightly crying in dispere, Shika in Shamura's chest hears their heartbeat and weeping"Shamura..?"Shika said, Shamura didnt answer they instead lays down with Shika on their chest, Shika doesnt do anything other than stay still, after what seemed like hours both Shamura and Shika start to get sleepy, eventually they both fell asleep, after waking up, Tiguron(second OC name) and Heket stand still looking at them with worried faces, Shika gets off Shamuras chest"dont worry Shamura is fine"Shika said"ok..."Heket said, The shark turns to leave and so does Heket, as they left Shika can feel a hand on his"Shamura?"Shika said"....thank you..."Shamura said, Shika nods as he sits back and watch over Shamura...

(hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, next chapter is a request of Shamura x follower reader, see ya in the other end of the galaxy..!)

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