Shamura x immortal male cat reader

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requested by GMLwriter (WARNING: Shamura will be male in this story, that is all :>)

"Theres something about this cat....I think ive seen him 100 years is he still here?....could it he immortal?!"Shamura thought, he has been observing this cat, he did seen him about 100 years ago, how come a cat live that long....cats have nine lives but a cat living to 100 of years would take all of their nine lives....Shamura begin to investigate he decided to sacrifice him and see what happens...sure enough that same cat that was sacrificed was back after 2 days of his death, Shamura found this facinating, Shamura decided to call the cat in"lord Shamura he is here"said the high priest"thank you Mushu"said Shamura, the cat was confused and scared..he knows he is immortal and was afraid of getting tortured for eternity"you are....Y/N..right?"Said Shamura"yeah thats me...."said Y/N"I have been noticing that you came back from a sacrificed ritual.....after I sacrificed you"Said Shamura"oh you sacrificed my....TWIN BROTHER, yes my twin brother"Said Y/N, nervous"are you sure because YOU were here 100 years ago and are still here standing...."said Shamura...Y/N took a turn and bolted out"SOMEBODY STOP HIM FROM ESCAPING"screamed Shamura, many guards tried to stop you from leaving silk cradle bt you escaped and Shamura will not stop until he finds a creepy....little......stalker......

(there hope you enjoyed my days of suffering of trying to make this and not think of making Shamura a perverted little spider >:/, now see ya in the other end of the galaxy!)

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