Happy Holidays: Headcannons

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ok so you are watching this on the future, what I am trying to say is that I write this entier chapter on easter night, and your watching this a day after or like two days or weeks after easter, so yeah I really hope you enjoy this headcannons, we also reached 10k reads on this book thanks! now here:

(P.S. Narinder wont get any headcannons in this chapter............jk)


-He really loves easter, he likes playing the easter bunny game

-He will get excited every time he gets a easter egg

-his entier realm is decorated for easter, I mean he is the leader after all

-He likes finding eggs with you, he much prefers you hiding them so that he can find them

-he would really love for you to dress up as a giant easter egg

-He loves to get you easter eggs every time

-you always rewarding with a kiss every time he gets an egg


-She does not say, but she is secretly a fan of easter too

-She does not like to show her excitement but if you are trusted enough you may see this side of her

-She prefers to hide the eggs so that you can find them

-She always rewards you with kisses or cuddling when you find all the eggs

-She will make you some chocolate eggs as a special reward, It is her specialty

-She loves to hugs you close on easter, I dont know why, dont ask me

-Make sure she aint eyeing you, because she will force you to play hide n seek with eggs


-He absolutely hates easter

-I would think he hates it because one time he swallowed an egg that was more fake than his ass

-He hated it because he was told a lie, well he wasnt if he listened

-However, he would find eggs with you if it makes you happy

-He would pretend to like easter just for you, and if you hate easter like him, you will have a very happy squidy boi

-Though he is still happy if you like it

-He will bake some seafood only with a bit of an easter decor in it for you

-He aint the best cook, so imagen him trying to decor something he hates

-He would still love you even if you love easter


-They love it and they dont

-The thing they love is the faith and mostly all the decor

-The thing they dont like is all the bunnys and eggs, He even found an egg in his book on last easter

-He still tries to find eggs with you, you really love it when he goes out with you to find eggs

-He likes your smile every time you find an egg, especially a purple one

-He kinda gets a bit jealous when you find an egg of another god, all eggs are kinda based on the four bishops

-She loves the fact that you praise more the eggs that are based on her

-She would absolutely give you a thousand kisses for all the little cuddles on easter

-The fact is that he really loves if you only get the Shamura eggs

-though he still likes that you still praise her siblings

-you made her really obessesed with you


-He does like easter but not very much

-He does not like the colors of the eggs

-And every decor of a white rabbit

-He sometimes does play with his ghost followers an easter hunt

-He kinda gets forced by Leshy to go easter hunting

-He convinces Kallamar to not destroy every decor of easter

-You can tell that Narinder is the only one that tries to calm his brother down while playing with his little brother

-Yea he still sleeps on easter

there you go headcannons yay! anyways see ya in the other end of the galaxy!

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