Leshy x OC

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(my idea, sets before kitty cat gets yeet in jail)
' : Thoughts
": Talking

Mariposa POV:

'What is this woods...its all so..weird? I feel like this woods are staring at me..I have to get out, fast'....I walk around in search of a way out of Darkwood, I eventually run into a bush like worm with a crown "Hello there" I said, the bush worm turns to me and growls at me "who are you? And what are you doing in Darkwood, my realm?" asked the little bush worm "I am Mariposa, God of progress and growth, I am lost in your woods, I was wondering if you could help me?" I asked the little bush worm, the bush worm thinks about it "I am Leshy... you want to get out of my woods Mariposa?" he asked as he looked at me 'he looks cute' "yes" I said as I look at him" you want me to help you?" he asked, I nod as I look at him in the eye" I will, but you must give me something in return" he said, I nod "of course, whatever you want, I can give it to you, gold? blood? followers? what ever your heart desires" I said as I look at him" okay, I want you" he said 'wait...WHAT?!' I look at Leshy dead in the eye as I blush "WHAT!?" I screamed as he nods "I want you, you will be my love and in return I help you out of this woods" he said as he smile innocently, I blush as I look at Leshy "arent you a child?" I asked as I look at him" not really, I am only 18 million years old" he said 'I guess, he does look like he is like 9 or 10 million years old, I guess its because he is short' "alright..." I said as I look at him "how old are you Mariposa?" he asked "I am 22 million years old" I said "whoa, you are much older than me" he said, I chuckle a little "alright Leshy, I will accept your proposal, now lead me to the exit" I said trying to ignore the fact that a young adult just asked me to be their spouse, Leshy nods as he leads me out of the woods, eventually we find the exit and Leshy looks at me, I realize what he wants and give him a kiss on his cheek, Leshy makes excited bush sounds as camellia flowers sprout on his face, I chuckle as I wave Leshy goodbye 'never knew this would happen to me...I guess it isnt bad to start something anew...'

(Yo, I hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter of how Leshy and Mariposa met, eventually with the help of character AI, yeah so some of the stories will be made with the help of character AI whom is keeping my cult of the lamb spirit running, anyways see ya in the other end of the galaxy!)

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