Shamura x outcast reader

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(My idea)

you were walking to the temple with the others, well kinda if you werent a outcast, the high priest, Mitz, told everyone to get ready because Shamura, the wise bishop, decided to give a sermon, everybody got ready and went to the temple, you were getting pushed around, because you were from the cult of the lamb, everybody knew that the lamb killed Leshy, and is on its way to kill Heket, you were kicked off the lambs cult for stealing, Shamura's cult was welcoming of you but then realised you were from the lambs cult thats when it went down hill, Shamura didnt really cared, if you were to do something then yes they will take matters into his own hands, when everybody got into the temple, everybody looked at you as you put on your hood on for a ritual, Shamura was looking at you, to make sure you didnt do anything while on the ritual, you were looking around to see that everybody was dancing, so you join in too, but do it in the shadows, so that nobody looks at you weirdly, when everything was done you bolted out, straight into your house, everybody was very surprise to see that you werent here, you decided to read a bit to feel better, a few minutes go by a you hear a knock on your door, you went to the door and opened it to see the high priest, Mitz"hello there, are you Y/N?"Mitz asked"y-yeah thats me...what happended?"you asked"well our leader wanted to see you, meet her at his temple, right now, dont keep them waiting"Mitz said"s-sure!"you said as you went and grabbed your bag and put a book and a dagger incase, as you set out to Shamura's temple, you find some spiders on your way, they seemed nice to even give you a little neckless for good luck, some caterpillars also wished you good luck, scorpions just straight up attacked you, then noticed that you werent a threat just a simple follower, they told you sorry and continued on their path as you continued yours, finally reaching the temple you were about to knock on the doors until a spider opened it for you, you thanked them and went inside, there Shamura was alone, awaiting your arrival, upon noticing you she turned her attention to you"You must be Y/N...arent you"said Shamura"y-yeah..thats me.."you said, terrified"hmm....want some tea to realive your brain?"Shamura asked, waiting your answer"..sure..."you said, Shamura claps his hands as a follower brought a tea set for the both of you, you sit down on the opposite side of Shamura, Shamura served you some tea as you took the teacup and drank it, everything was peaceful as you and Shamura had a little conversation, Shamura saw that you were not a threat and were actually of a nice guy, Shamura found it very amusing, so much so that they actually started to fall for you, you told Shamura that you needed to leave and she nods, as you took your leave he thinks about you, his cheeks getting warm, he had a promise to themself, that they will make you hers...

(hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, see ya in the other end of the galaxy!)

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