Headcannons: bishops

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Today we celebrate 2k! and so for the celebration here are some headcannons for the bishops(including Narinder AKA the one who waits)


-He is a very annoying gremling, he will always find a way to annoy people

-But when it gets serious it GETS serious

-He is very loving and protective of you, he will absolutely kill anyone who dares hurt you

-He will sometimes stop what his doing just to give you affection

-He wont let you leave to anywhere without his witness or some guards

-He will always cuddle with you if you ever feel cold

-He will always drag you into what he is doing

-He will give you lots of cuddles as a reward for youre hard work

-Likes kisses from you, also likes to be petted a lot

-Will get jealous if he sees you with another person


-She is very serious, at times she will lash out to people for even making one thing wrong

-She is rarely found laughing among people or things

-She will always make sure you are well feed

-She will kill anybody who dare say things about you or flirt with you

-She is like a bodyguard, always ready to protect you

-She will make everyone respect you, she does not care if you are a follower or not

-She will throw a grand feast on your birthday

-Will make sure to make you happy

-Will at times stop to give you kisses


-Very much cowardly, gets scared too easily

-Is afraid of the red crown, mostly because he had a fight with Narinder once and he almost killed him

-He does not dare speak back, does not matter who it is

-But when he snaps, oh boy, he will kill ANYONE

-He is very, very protective of you

-If you ever get sick he will immediately apologies to you, even though it is not his fault

-He is very romantic at times, sometimes treating you like the queen or king of the world

-Will snap at people who EVEN lay a finger at you

-Will always make sure to have you by his side

-Will freak out if he sees you with someone else or not with him

-poor boy thinks you will cheat on him


-Wise, know-it all

-Literally a whole library

-Is rarely seen angry, or lashing at someone

-Will always make sure you are treated with utmost respect

-Will not give mercy to those who mistreat you

-Feels at peace with you, at their best when they spend time with you

-He will always make sure you are satisfied

-He will not let you go out alone, will assign guards to look after you

-She is rarely seen out at fields, mostly she is seen with you

-She likes you a lot, but will hesitate to say this

-They like to cuddle with you on winter or stormy weathers


-Before he was exiled, he used to be more energetic

-He is mostly tired and wants to sleep

-Always grumpy, no one knows why, probably because being looked up for centuries is gonna give that attitude

-Will go out if his way to spend time with you

-Always denies that he does it for you

-He finds you very cute when you get angry at him

-Will not tolerate you being hurt or disrespected by others

-Likes to cuddle with you until he falls asleep

-Will not let you leave unless is him or the Lamb

-Likes to tell you about the stars and universe

-He likes to show-off to other people when you are looking

-Has a face of a resting b*tch face

-Will never leave you alone until he gets his kisses

Hope you guys enjoyed this celebration chapter, now see ya in the other end of the galaxy!

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