Leshy x male child reader

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Requested by GMLwriter

Leshy was walking around darkwood for some air, its been a stressful day for him, after what seemed like hours of walking he heard a little cry, Leshy got confused, he went closer to the cry and found a baby, a baby bear"w-what is this? how could someone leave a baby here stranded like this?!"Leshy thought, he took a closer look and saw the baby had a symbol in his forehead

Leshy was walking around darkwood for some air, its been a stressful day for him, after what seemed like hours of walking he heard a little cry, Leshy got confused, he went closer to the cry and found a baby, a baby bear"w-what is this? how could ...

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Leshy recognizes this symbol, it was a rune, more specifically the one that means 'gift', Leshy was very much surprised at this, he could not leave such blessing to rot, and so he took the baby bear under his wing...

"SILENCE!"said a follower, a loyal high one"our great one will become crowned"said the loyal follower, footsteps can be heard as the bishops entered the room, all of them with a smile on their face, especially Leshy, soon enough a tall brown bear came in, he looked down at clauneck"Everyone in this ceremony! today we are gifted with a new candidate, please welcome our new bishop Y/N!"clauneck said as Y/N lowered his head for his crown to be placed"ALL HAIL THE GOLDEN CROWN!"said clauneck as every follower started chanting golden, after the ritual for Y/n to get his powers, everyone celebrated"Y/N!"called Leshy"yes father?"said Y/N"am proud of you son"said Leshy, with a smile on his face"thank you father"said Y/N as he hugged Leshy"I hope you are ready for what is to come Y/N, theres a lot if duties for a bishop...think you can handle it?"Said Shamura"of course antcle!"said Y/N"good"said Shamura"I can teach you how to use weapons if you want?"Said Kallamar"Oh I always wanted to learn how to use a dagger, think you can teach me uncle kallamare?"Said Y/N laughing a bit"sure, also please stop calling me kallamare"Said Kallamar a bit annoyed, all the bishops decided to join in the celebration for Y/N....

(hope you enjoyed it GML, now see ya in the other end of the galaxy!)

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