【3】The Bard✦

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〖Your P.o.v〗

"Hello there Jimbo and Ned!" Butters greeted with a warm smile. For a teenager, he seemed really innocent. It's hard to find people like that nowadays.

"Well, what brings you here today? Business or pleasure? Or maybe Vengeance!" The guy known as Jimbo looked over to me and Dovahkiin. 

"Howdy! You must be the new kids!"

People know of our arrival? I guess the message moves fast.

"Hi I'm (Y/n) and this is my brother," I sent a smile, at the man.

"Well (Y/n), whaddya need?"

"Gask masks sir."

"Comin right up young lady!" Jimbo and Ned went under the counter and took out three gas masks for us.

"That'll be fifteen dollars," Ned said. 5$ for gas masks is pretty damn good deal. Nice. My brother took out his money and paid for the masks. "Come again soon!" Jimbo said as we left out the door. Dovahkiin and I pulled out our phones and accepted their requests. For some reason wherever we go, people like to add us or follow us on our social medias.

We made it back in front of Tolkien's house and security guard saw us. We quickly put on the masks.

"I told ya'll to get the hell outa here!" He sprayed, except it had no effect.

"Fuck you dude!" I yelled as I kicked him right in the stomach. He fell back and a brawl began. He took out his baton and started to beat Butters with it.

"Owww! That hurts! Lord Douchebag help!" He cried out.

My brother whipped out a fire cracker and lit it up before spraying the man with the hot sparks. "Hahahahhah, you're on fire!" I pointed at the dumb security guard.

"I'll show you what happens when you mess with me!" He came over to me and whacked me with his baton 4 times. 

"Ow! The fuck?! I call child abuse!" I said as I took out a baseball and a baseball bat. I threw the ball up in the air and hit it with my bat aiming for his head. I successfully hit and he was knocked out.

"Hell yeah! Fuck you!" I pointed at the passed out guy in victory. Wow, not even a full day here and I've already commit a crime. Props to me for being a rebel. Dovahkiin smiled at me before dragging me and Butters in Tolkien's house.

We rang his doorbell and a handsome African-American boy opened the door. He looked at us confused. 

"May I help you?"

"H-Hi Uhm, we're the new kids and Cartman sent us to call upon y-you to help get the stick back from the elves," Shit I stuttered! He's just really cute, I couldn't help it!  Butters peaked out from behind Dovahkiin and and waved to Tolkien.

"Alright just give me a second." He closed the door but quickly came back out in his gear.

 "Pleased to meet you milady." He took my hand and kissed it.

"T-Thanks..." I said,

"Well, I shall make haste to Kupa Keep, you three continue to retrieve the other warriors!"

"Got it!" Butters and I said at the same time.

Soon we were off to Craigs house...

〖At Craig's House〗

"Hello, is Craig home?" I asked a girl with strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked to be around 8 years old.

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