【28】Sidewalk Rule

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〖Your P.o.v〗

Right now, Dovahkiin and I were sitting in English Class, listening to a long lesson about Shakespeare. This shit was maaad boring considering, one; who the fuck care about this dead guy, and two; I was a bit ahead of the class so I knew everything.

"So who can name three plays by Shakespeare?" Mr. Wyland asked the class. No one raised their hand except for me. Mr. Wyland looked at me before looking at the rest of the class, "C'mon guys, (Y/n) can't be the only one answering the questions!"

"She's the only one answering because she's a giant nerd!" Some kid in the back shouted, earning a few laughs.

"Dude, shut the fuck up, her brother will beat the shit out of you!" Another whisper shouted to him. I shrugged, not really caring that I was getting made fun of. Dovahkiin and I had the most followers and friends on any social media platform in this school. Not that popularity was much of a contest, but I knew that a little hate aint gonna do shit to me. I looked over at Dovahkiin who looked back at the kid who made fun of me. He put a pencil up to his own throat, making the 'I'm gonna kill you' gesture.

The teacher sighed, "Alright, (Y/n), tell us,"

"Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and A Midsummer Night's Dream," I said blankly.

"Good job... for like the thousandth time... I'd offer you extra credit, but your grade is already over 100%," Mr. Wyland said.

I shrugged. Before anything else could be said, the speaker in the room went off, gaining the attention of all of us.

"(Y/n) (L/n). Kyle Brovloski, Craig Tucker, and Kenny McKormick, please come to my office right now, mkay" Mr. Macky said through the intercom speaker.

A few ooh, and gasps were made as I stood up. These bitches think I'm in trouble? Well, I might be, I've done a lot of law breaking in my first month here in South Park. But it's been awhile since, why would they convict me now?

I stood up, and flipped off the class, before leaving. My brother tried to get up and follow after me, but Mr. Wyland stopped him. On my way to Mr. Mackey's office, I met up with Craig who was on the way over as well.

"Hey Craig!" I waved at him.

He sent me a small smile, and paused walking so I could catch up. "You're talking now, that's great," He said emotionlessly. Despite this, I could tell he was very happy.

"Yeah, I've been feeling a lot better!" I said walking up to his side. We started to walk to Mr. Mackey's office together.

"Think we're trouble?" I asked him.

"You? No. Me? Definitely," He said simply.

"I guess Cartman was right about you being the biggest trouble maker at school!" I teased. He flipped me off with a smirk, before opening the door for me. As we walked in, we saw that Kenny, and Kyle were already there.

"Hey guys," I greeted them in a hushed tone. They sent me a quick hey, before turning their attention back to Mr. Mackey who had been waiting.

"Do you guy know why I called you all here? Mkay?"

"No, Mr.Mackey, mkayy," Kenny responded, talking like Mr. Mackey. Craig, Kyle, and I stifled a laugh at Kenny's dumbass-ery.

"Well, Kenny, you and Craig are on the verge of repeating the year mkay! You both haven't shown up to school for a month mkay! You need to get your shit together!" He shouted at the two. The two shrugged, not even caring in the slightest. Craig flipped off Mr. Mackey, and I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

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