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✦ = Stick of Truth Parts

T/W: Trigger warning, a panic attack is described later in the chapter, read at your own discretion. 

〖Your P.o.v〗

"And... got it!" I finally broke free from the ropes Stan tied me in. I sprinted out of the room, and down the bridge where I saw everyone. There were helicopters everywhere, and government soldiers with guns crowding something.

"Oh my god, we killed Kenny!" I heard Stan.

"We're bastards!" Kyle shouted.

The tone they said it in was different, it felt robotic and automatic, despite them actually yelling. 

I pushed through the soldiers and covered my mouth at the sight.

Tears instantly started pouring down my eyes, and I stared at the boys in complete horror.

My brother, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Butters, all had their weapons coated in blood. They all looked at me with surprise, except for my brother, who still wore a blank expression. On their faces was a little bit of blood splattered, but not their blood...

In front of them was Kenny's dead corpse. His skin was green, and he was wearing a nazi armband... That idiot! He must've drank the green goo. How could he be so stupid?!

Tears fell down my eyes as I approached Kenny's lifeless corpse,

"K-Kenny? Are you dead?" I said softly, about to touch him,

My brother pulled me away from Kenny, and I immediately turned around and shoved him towards the others who caught him.

"You guys killed Kenny! How could you?! He was our friend!" I shouted angrily, tears pouring down my eyes. The whole scene felt surreal, everything seemed as though it was fake. The helicopters, and soldiers surrounding us, the battles that took place on the ground, and the fact that Kenny was gone... All of it seemed unreal. He can't be gone... right?! This has to be fake, this can't be real!

Maybe, I just was hoping it wasn't real. Hoping, I hadn't lost a friend.

"We had no choice, (Y/n), he had the stick of truth, he betrayed us, " Cartman said.

"I BETRAYED YOU GUYS! And you guys didn't kill me! This is supposed to be a game! None of this roleplay shit is supposed to be real!" I seethed.

My eyes grew cloudy and blurry, and I started to become lightheaded. The mix of anger, and sadness is too much for me.

"(Y/n), Kenny drank the goo, we had to kill him, he would've hurt more people if we didn't!" Kyle reasoned.

I glared back and shouted back, "So your friend turns into a zombie, and the first thing you do is murder him in cold blood? Not try to capture him, and come up with a cure?! God, would you all have done the same thing if that was me?!"

"You're being overdramatic (Y/n), Kenny was stupid for even drinking the goo— "Cartman started.

"Shut up! All of you! Was Kenny even your friend?! You guys killed him, and not a single one of you look like you feel bad at all!" I spewed, backing away from them,

"(Y/n), this was the only way we could fix this, you have to hear us out—" Stan reasoned, taking a step toward me,

I stepped further back and glared at them all. I scoffed before speaking,

"No... you know what... "

I stepped onto the zipline on the bridge that led to the ground where everyone was still fighting.

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