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T/W; This chapter has triggering content! The mention of suicidal tendencies along with depression are mentioned. Please read ahead with caution.

I recommend listening to the song above throughout the whole chapter. (It's looped)

〖Dovahkiin's Perspective〗

It had been three months since my sister got sucked through Cthulu's dimension. It was the one time I had not been able to protect her. With her gone, I was unable to deal with my parents. I just locked myself away in my room and ignored their fighting. In fact, Mom seems to have fallen deeper into alcoholism since she left. And dad? He's been doing more and more drugs since she left. I wouldn't be surprised if they both overdosed.

When I told them about what happened to (Y/n), the two of them didn't believe me at first, but when the rest of my friends explained the loss of the others to their parents they believed us. It might've been because most of the parents were high and drunk though.

The loss of all the other heroes seemed to trigger the town into an even worse condition. The parents who lost their kids drank more, did more drugs, and even resorted to trashing the town. This place has gone haywire. I'm surprised the condition of our town hadn't reached the news.

These days, I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Everything feels worthless. I lost my sister. Wendy's been doing her best to help me, but no matter what I do, nothing changes. Everything just feels pointless.

Suddenly my phone went off.

I opened it, and saw a text from Wendy,


Wendy: Hey, I rang your doorbell a few times. You home?

Closing my phone, I left my room to go downstairs. I ignored the stains of red wine on the ground and walls, along with the shattered bottles, and garbage scattered throughout the house. My parents had been fighting a lot more, and I couldn't be bothered to stop them or clean up their messes. There's no point in trying anyway.

I opened the door and saw Wendy. She stared at me in concern, before pulling me into a hug. I returned it slightly, burying my face in her dark hair.

"Hey, let's go for a walk. Maybe we could try to clear our minds," Wendy tried to smile.

She's trying to stay strong, but I know she's sad too. She really cared about (Y/n) and the others, even though they barely interacted.

She took my hand and held it as we walked around South Park. Just like every other day, we would go for walks in the forest nearby, trying to clear out minds. At first, the wild animals tried to hurt us, but I ended up beating them all. Now they all fear me.

Finally reaching the forest, she began to speak.

"Is there anything you want to tell me? It isn't good to keep all your thoughts inside,"

"What's there to say, I've been telling you the same things the last few months," I said blankly.

"I know... it's just, I don't know what to do..." She choked out.

Looking over at her, I saw her eyes were full of tears. She took her hand back from mine and started to cry into her hands. I frowned slightly. This whole time she was finding ways to try to make me feel better, and she must feel upset with herself because nothing was working.

What can I tell her though? This pain isn't ever going to heal. I lost my sister, the person I was closest to in the world, my other half. Nothing is worth anything if she can't be beside me.

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