【14】Split ✦

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✦ = Stick of Truth Parts

〖Your P.o.v〗

"AHHHHHH!!!" I woke up screaming.

I scrambled out of the bed and fell off, pulling the blanket down with me and unfortunately, Dovahkiin had also been pulled down off the bed. On top of me.

"Kids, are you okay?!" My mom burst into my room and saw Dovahkiin lying on top of me on the floor.

"NO, IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE, JESUS CHRIST!!!" I scrambled out from under him and ran into my room.

I sighed, changed into some normal clothes, and headed downstairs.

"Hey dad, " I greeted him. He was sitting on the couch and eating chips.

"Heya (Y/n)... so uh... you slept with your brother yesterday?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"Uh, err... yeah I did. Why?"

"Why? Uh no reason! Why don't you eat some breakfast and go outside and have fun or something! Schools out for awhile because of that crazy Taco Bell that opened up!"

"Oh, okay." I walked into the kitchen and saw a plate with (food) on the table. I sat down and began to eat quietly.

A little bit after I saw Dovahkiin walk into the kitchen, sitting down in front of me.

"Good morning." I greeted him.

He nodded, and began to eat.

I forgot... unless we're completely alone, he won't speak. I guess, we're back to the way it was. Maybe I shouldn't have taken last night for granted.

"I guess we should go to Kyle's house so I can get Big Gay Al to do the makeover again," I pulled up my phone and messaged Big Gay Al to meet me at Kyle's house.


"There ya go Sweetie! You're back to being a boy again!"

"Thank you Al!

"No problem, you silly goose!" He poked my cheek and walked out of Kyle's room, leaving me and Dovahkiin. I went down stairs Dovahkiin by my side.

"Sup guys!" I waved to them. 

"Hey (Y/n)!" Stan waved over to me.

"Uh, we're going to go see the girls, so maybe it would be better if Jimmy came with us. " I said.

"Ugh, the girls..." Stan groaned.

"Yeah, figured you wouldn't wanna come, " I said, in a disappointed tone, about to walk out Kyle's yard.

"Wait... I... I guess I'll come with you." Stan said, following after us.

Time for mission; dress Dovahkiin into a girl and pretend to be a couple getting an abortion in order to get into the abortion files!

Hm, long mission title.


"STAN LOOK OUT!!" I tackled him down to the ground , and we rolled away from some nazi-zombie-fetus barf. Shit, that was close. Currently, Dovahkiin and I were back to our regular clothes, fighting a bunch of nazi-zombie fetuses. I know. Crazy. I also did not expect my afternoon to turn out this way.

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