【11】No Authoritah ✦

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✦ = Stick of Truth Parts


"It's a video."

〖Your P.o.v〗

We opened the laptop and we saw Clyde with the stick. "Greetings humans and drow-elves of Zaron.-"

"Clyde?" Kyle looked at the screen.

"While you have all been busy fighting amongst yourselves, I have built a kingdom beyond your comprehension! I prayed for a way to destroy you all and the solution came crashing down from the heavens!"

He backed away from the camera and the camera moved to face a barrel of that nazi-zombie shit.

"With what I have found, I shall raise an army of the dead!"

He poured some of the green goo on the dead cat and the cat became a nazi-zombie cat. "I shall raise an entire army of darkness and rule the Earth!" He put his crown on.

"Clyde, but why?" Stan said in disbeleif.

"I banished him from space and time and now he's all pissed off." Cartman rolled his eyes, like this was no big deal.

"So you see, I control the stick and the future of the Earth!"

"Clyde do you want a sandwich?" I heard, what I assumed to be Clyde's dad.

"Not now dad, I'm making a ruler of darkness video."

He ignored his dad and went on, "Whoever controls the stick, controls the universe. Now my first deed is, I hereby denounce the human and elf kingdoms, and I strip both kings from their power! HAHAHAHA HAHHHAHA!!!"

"Motherfucker!" Cartman cursed.


Here we stood in front of Clyde's house, ready to confront him on what happened. Clyde's dad let us into the backyard and once I laid my eyes on building I was shook. Damn.

"Dude what the hell?!" I said walking in and seeing his fortress was four stories tall. 

"Welcome losers! Oh, hey (Y/n)!" He waved down to me. I waved back with a small smile. I'm gonna sound like a total loser for saying this but, Clyde looks really hot in his Lord of Darkness outfit.

"Dammit (Y/n)! Don't smile at him like that! He took the stick!" Cartman shouted at me. I shrugged indifferently.

"I banished you from time and space Clyde, you can't do that!" Cartman yelled. Clyde shouted back from the top of his tower, "I have the stick, therefore I control the universe!"

"Hey dude," Craig walked out from behind Clyde.


"Not anymore. Clyde has the stick and he says you don't have authority anymore." Craig said.

"GODDAMMIT, I HAVE AUTHORITAH!" Cartman yelled back. The vampires kids came out of the fortress and stared us down. Damn, that's a lot of vampire kids.

"I'd love to invite you guys but it's too late!"

"Too late? What do mean—"

"Butter's do you know what time it is?" Mr. Stotch came out of nowhere.

"It's past your bedtime mister!"

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