【Craig Ending】Infatuation

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〖Craig's P.o.v〗


That's the word I think of when I look at you (Y/n).

I've never been great at school, and to be frank I didn't know what that word meant until you told me. Back then, while you were tutoring me, I came across this word in a Shakespeare play I had to read for English. I didn't know what it meant, so I asked you.

You looked at me with your glistening (e/c) eyes, and I moved mine to stare at your lips as you told me.

"Infatuation is a feeling of obsessively strong love for someone or something," You stated.

"Infatuation," I said, staring down at the book.

You smiled at me, "Need help with anything else?"

Ever since you told me that word, I couldn't stop but think about it. Infatuation. Is it like love? Better than love? Or is it a toxic form of love? Or is it simply just love?

I can't tell. But this feeling I have for you can be described with that word. Infatuation; feeling of obsessively strong love for someone or something.

I am infatuated by you (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n).

You are the very first person to make me feel so strongly.

I swear, this feeling must be stronger than just love. Because I've felt love before. But this feeling with you is much more. It's obsessive, crazy, I can barely contain myself...

"Just a little further," Your soft voice told me, as you led me further down into the forest.

Oh right. That's right. You wanted to take me somewhere to talk. I wonder what you'll tell me...

You looked back at me with a soft smile spread across your features. Looking at your beauty, I couldn't help but let out a smile.

For you, I'd mellow down my strong feelings, just so I don't end up hurting you.

"Alright, this is good," (Y/n) said to me.

"What'd you bring me out here for?" I asked.

"You know what I brought you out here for," She said embarrassedly, a red blush coming across her face.

I leaned down to her face and smirked, "Sorry, but I'm not one for fucking in public,"

"You asshole! You know that's not why I brought you out here!" She smacked me over and over, embarrassed with what I had said.

I laughed at her, unable to hold back. She stared at me as I laughed, a smile coming across her face.

I stopped laughing to look back at her, "What is it?"

"You're laughing so hard, and you're smiling so much, and I just... I love it," She confessed.


Hearing you say that word makes my heart race (Y/n).

"You're the only person who can bring out this side of me," I confessed.

She seemed surprised when I said this, but responded, "That makes me very happy," She said nervously.

"Why so nervous (Y/n)?" I asked, brushing a strand of her hair away from her face. She moved her gaze from my chest to look up at my eyes.

"Well, I wanted to tell you earlier when you were telling me how you felt, but our time together was cut short,"

"So tell me now,"

"I'm gonna!" She shouted, biting her lip out of nervousness.

Oh, please don't do that (Y/n). You don't know what you do to me.

Without realizing it, I brought my hand to her face and brushed her bottom lip gently with my thumb.

"Craig!" She said my name.

"Sorry, sorry! Go on, just say the thing you wanted to say," I teased, leaning down.

"I-I will!" She frowned, still nervous and embarrassed.

I smirked, and leaned down toward her, "I know what you want to say (Y/n), so just say it," I whispered.

"I'm getting to it, I... I—" She stared me down with her pretty (e/c) eyes.

"Yknow what, fuck it, I'm not good with words," She leaned up, placing her lips on mine.

My eyes widened in surprise at the bold move she just pulled.

She moved her hands up to my hat, pulling down, so she could kiss me better.

Shutting my eyes, I returned the kiss, moving my lips against hers. As if by instinct, I moved my arms around her waist to press her body against mine. She moved her hands to my hair and tugged slightly on it.

"Nghh..."I groaned at the sudden pain.

The moment I parted my lips, she moved her tongue into my mouth.

Oh, (Y/n), it's so like you to tease me like that.

Two can play that game...

I picked her up and pressed her against the tree so that she was caught in between.

"C-Craig!" She said in surprise, pulling away from the kiss. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I pressed my lower half against her.

"What's wrong princess?" I whispered in her ear...

"Nothing, I just remembered, I still didn't say the thing I wanted to,"

"Well don't worry about it, tell me when you're ready, I'll always be here for you," I kissed the side of her neck,

"Craig, I love you,"

I love you?

Did she just say what I think she did? I pulled away slightly, still holding her against the tree. I drifted my eyes up to stare at her face. I can't believe it. She said it, she said the words I've been dying to hear for the longest time.

I.. I... I lo—

"I love you," She repeated, cupping my face with her hands.

"(Y/n), I..."

She wiped her thumb across my cheek. I'm crying?

"I want to be with you, Craig. Everything about you draws me in toward you. The moment I met you, you were so distant from everyone. You barely showed any emotion, you kept your words short, and it felt like you were hiding your true self. And yet, for some reason, the second we met, we seemed to have instant chemistry. A spark. Something about you was so different than everyone else. I wanted to see all of you, you're happy side, sad side, angry side, every little thing about you. I wanted to know it all. I... I wanted to be the person who brought that part of you out. Craig... you're so beautiful, inside and out. I wish you'd show that more to the world because those are the parts of you I love most,"

Never in my life have I ever been called beautiful. And yet, here you are, saying those words to my face.

I can barely speak, I just feel so much inside me right now.

"Well...?" She asked meekly,

"I love you too (Y/n)," I let out, placing my lips against hers.

She returned the kiss instantly. She tightened her legs around my waist and moved her arms around my neck. Our lips moved perfectly against each other. We kissed longer, and longer, the kiss becoming more heated.

Then suddenly, there was a loud noise.

We turned around and saw that those asshats had actually got the fireworks working. The sky was filled with blue, yellow, and white streaks of light.

They were stunning, but something like that could never come close to you (Y/n).

I placed my lips against yours one more time, and you returned it instantly.

Soon enough the fireworks almost came to an end, and that was when we parted lips.

"I love you (Y/n)," I whispered, so only she could hear.

"I love you too Craig,"

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