Chapter 9 : Home Protection

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There was a knock on the door, Kelly Hyland pumped the shotgun that belonged to her older daughter. She felt silly in her bullet-proof vest, but having involved in her daughters adventures, she knew it's better to be prepared.


"Oh My God, Kelly. Is Kendall with you? I couldn't reach her." the mother came through the door like it was her own house.

"No, she isn't." then Kelly saw the man behind Jill. "What are you doing here?"

"And nice to see you too!" Morris grunted.

"MORRIS!!" Paige squealed coming down the stairs, launching herself over him.

Paige wasn't the eleven-years-old little girl anymore, but now a gorgeous teenager, dressing in her tank-top and short jeans, Morris wasn't sure whether to hug her, especially when her glaring mother was standing a few feet away with a Remington 870.

"My car broke down so I called him to give me a lift." Jill explained.

"You're an Uber driver now?" Kelly asked unimpressed.

"Sue me." Morris returned a look.

Ever since her daughter got framed for the bombing incident, the mother always sees him a bad influence.

"I see you guys prepared." Morris looked at the shotgun and bullet-proof vest.

"It's Brooke's."

"Good. That was an EMP burst, someone has launched a preemptive strike."

"I knew it!" Paige jumped like she just won a bet.

"Stay put. Kelly said the police are short on resources right now. The city may turn into riots by night."

"I said no such thing!" the mother defended.

"Detective Kelly, Mom." her daughter corrected.

"Half their systems got burned, most their radios and vehicles are down. They are already calling the National Guard."

"Oh My God! Kendall is still out there!" Jill gasped.

"I'm going out to look for her. You guys stay here, don't leave the house. It may get rough out there." Morris checked his gun and went out the driveway.

"Wait!" Kelly Hyland caught up. "Take this!"

The mother handed him the shotgun, and a belt of shells. Despite they don't see eye to eye, the man always cares for the girls.

"What are you gonna use?"

"My older daughter keeps an AR-15 and a Dragunov with two-hundred rounds each. My younger daughter can make explosive out of household items!"

Morris could only take the shotgun and smirked.

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