Chapter 22 : Counter Strike

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"What about taking out the pilots? We know they are at the nuclear plant." Kendall asked the operative.

"Which give them the perfect shelter. We cannot storm in with Seal Team and blow everything up."

Sam opened up a floor-plan of the power station, pointing out the vital spots sensitive to gunfire. Paige studied the plan thoroughly, placing herself the bomber, trying to find ways to infiltrate. She found none.

"But shouldn't nuclear plants have contingency for that? They built layers of protection for something like this. Right?"

"That's right!" Kendall suddenly remembered. "We saw their control room still up and running!"

"So we shut them down before the attack?" Pagie pointed at the power supply.

"Negative." Tilly rolled her eyes at Paige. "They're probably running on backup generators, those are for the cooling system only. Shutting them down will cause a meltdown."

"And I think I saw more EMB machines at the plant." Kendall added.

"EMP." Paige corrected Kendall.

"But how big of a meltdown are we talking about? Can't we dump sand over it like they did in Chernobyl?" All eyes turned to Kendall, who hardly interested in any historical events. She blushed. "I saw it on that TV show..."

"We can't just dump sand over it..." Tilly was about to point out the error, then her eyes glow. She quickly turned to Sam. "How long can you assemble a team to take out Komarov's men?"

"I have two teams standing by on an airfield fifty miles north, can drop on them in twenty minutes. Problem lies on the facility."

"What kind of transport?"

"Blackhawks. Why?"

"I think there's a way to bring down those drones."

Tilly was about to explain her idea when she saw Chloe and Morris entering the room, all eyes fixed on the unmistakable burning handprint on his face.

"Brooke." Morris asked avoiding the questioning eyes. "Do you still have the Dragunov?"

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