Chapter 31 : End of the Jackal

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At the deepest level of the power plant, two figures crossing their blades. Kalani grew up on the street, knew all to fight dirty, but Kay has a long history of surviving the deadliest assassins, she seen all tricks, learned all, and using them all to her advantage.

The Asian woman played her cat-and-mouse game with Kalani, confusing her focus, draining her energy, using every opening to launch her strike. Kalani was a good fighter, but were no match against a deadly warrior.

"Not even close!"

Kay kicked Kalani down, breaking her kneecap and laughed out loud. Her stance was steady, her daggers slipping around her fingers, after taken down two opponents, she didn't even break sweat, still grinning like she just started the game.

"Is that what he could find now? A dancer and a street rat?"

"No..." a voice said.

Kay looked back, Chloe punched her fist to the ground, slowly rising from her fall, like the dead climbing out of its own grave. In a low voice she spoke, cold as ice.

"He didn't find me!"

Chloe got into a crouching position, she pulled a strap on her shoulder, ejected the torn wings from her back, her glass eye was knocked out, leaving a hollow socket on her right face. With her other eye staring cold at the enemy, she was baring her teeth like a raging beast.

Kay was stunned a little, like she was looking at a different person, but before she could make out what was going on, Chloe let out a blood-curdling roar.

She launched forward in her arms and legs, charging like an animal. Kay dodged aside, but Chloe jumped up a wall and bounced, putting her knees together and ramming both into her opponent.

Kay crossed her arms to block the attack, but the powerful blow sent her ten steps back. Chloe touched the floor with her hands and feet, leaped up again for another attack.

In hurry Kay sent out her dagger, aiming for Chloe's other eye, but to her surprise Chloe opened her grabbing hand, taking the dagger right through her own palm.

As if feeling no pain, Chloe grabs Kay's hand in her fist, twisting it away, exposing an opening. Kay sent out her other dagger to her ribs, but not before Chloe ramming her head for a nose, cracking the nasal bones into its skull.

Kay fell to the ground, killed instantly by her nose bones charged into her brain, but Chloe wasn't done, she leaped up the air, putting all her weight into one knee, and crushing it down Kay's solar plexus, sending rib bones into her heart, an eye for an eye.

Straddling over her opponent, Chloe swung fist after fist into the dead woman. She wasn't seeing Kay anymore, but the reflection of herself, back when she was an insane killer like Kay. She saw shame, anger, loneliness, everything she felt when she was the White Jackal. Her left eye was in tears, her teeth clenching, drooling like a beast, wanting to beat herself to death once and for all.

"Chloe!" Kalani yelled. "CHLOE!!"

Chloe snapped back from the violent beast, she looked down her trembling hands, they were covered in blood. Kalani walked up from behind, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. Chloe shook by the touch.

"She's dead." Kalani said, but what Chloe heard was -

The White Jackal is dead.

She broke down in tears, crying in Kalani's arms, like a frightened little girl who finally wakes up from a long and haunting nightmare.

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