Chapter 25 : Retreat

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With all his drones down, Komarov no longer claim aerial superiority. He ordered his men to load up the trucks and move out immediately.

Each 18-wheeler truck was carrying a large cask shaped like a dumbbell, stretching thirty feet long and higher than a grown person. Inside each cask stored sixteen plutonium fuel rods, heavily wrapped in thick layers of glass and concrete. One by one they pulled out of the loading bay, travelling in a single file towards the gate.

From the opposite, a van crashed through the barrier and into the plant, men defending the trucks began firing at the intruder, the van took hit at the front wheel, spun out of control and rolled to its side, blocking the path out.

Staying alert, the men surrounded the van and fired, each emptied a full magazine, turning the van into Swiss cheese.

The scene fell into a moment of silence, armed men listened and waited, there was no movement coming from inside of the van. One man approached with caution, opened the rear door and let it dropped, what he saw made his skin crawl.

Thick chunks of unknown substance splattered over the concrete road, they looked solid yet moving, like snow particles on a poor reception TV screen.

One cursed and ran, then another, soon everyone was running away from the overturned van, with a giant swarm of bees chasing after them.

Komarov only got a glimpse of the scene, but he quickly jumped into the truck and shut the windows. Through the windshield he saw a rich smoke of bees rolling out of the van, like a destructive pyroclastic flow from a volcanic eruption, swallowing up the land in a giant black cloud.

Next he saw something almost unreal. A big chunk of bees rose from the pile, stood up and began walking in human form, then another. The two humanoid monsters were taking slow stepped, making their way towards his men, and began firing.

Morris and Masha dressed in bomb disposal suits, tightly sealed with duct tapes to protect themselves, firing the M249 machine guns at their hips, shooting everything that moves.

"Be careful! Not everything responds well to bullets!" Morris reminded.

"I don't respond well to bullets!"

Masha took several hits from the counter fire, but the bomb suit was made to withstand high explosive pressure, bullets made nothing but a poke to her body.

Upset being shot at, Masha turned her machine gun and swept the shooters with rapid fire, forcing them to retreat behind a cart full of pressurized canisters.

"Watch where you shoot!" Morris warned.

"I got this!" said Masha tossed out her hand, throwing a small object under the canisters.

Men behind the canisters jumped thinking it was a grenade, but instead saw a small oval shape case at their feet, it was the size of an egg, its shell transparent and full of holes, inside was something buzzing.

Before they could make out what it was, the light dimmed around them, followed by a heart chilling hum. Millions of bees all chased after their queen that trapped inside the oval case, burying the men instantly.

"Now here's something we don't see every day!" Morris impressed watching the gunmen swallowed by the black cloud.

"It gets better!"

The Kazakh tugged her hand, the fish line retracted the case back to her palm, so did the millions of bees, leaving the gunmen half-dead twitching on the ground.

"Zero destruction and reusable!" she laughed.

"Maybe you should sell it to the US Army!" Morris approved.

Witnessing the event, Komarov ordered the trucks to move out immediately, but the first truck had to back up to find room around the overturned van, and it was blocking by the one behind.

In the storm of bees Morris pulled out his own plastic case and threw it into the first truck, immediately the bees flew into the compartment like a python made of smoke, forcing men to abandon the truck and jump out, and shot down by his machine gun.

The second truck driver shut his windows and steered around the first truck and the overturned van, ran the 18-wheeler over the employee parking lot, crushing a line of cars like tin cans, breaking out a path for other trucks.

Morris dodging left and right, slipping between giant wheels and firing at the moving vehicles, he burst a few tires, but couldn't stop the monster trucks from moving.

"I thought you said they don't respond well to bullets!" Masha asked.

"The reactor doesn't respond well to bullets, but they made the casks indestructible!" Morris explained.

"Then why couldn't they make the whole plant indestructible?"

"Protect their shit more than they protect their goods! The American way!"

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