Chapter 20 : OP Center

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Kelly Hyland never imagined her cozy living room turned into a command center, with the equipments brought in by JoJo and Sam, hooking up to every TV panel they could find that's functional.

"Why are they taking the power plant?"

"Best assumption, to blow it up?" Paige assumed.

"I don't think so." Kendall disagreed. "Komarov said Get ready for the Greatest Heist. He's stealing something."

"That might lead to something...." Sam hesitated. "What I'm about to tell you does not leave this room."

The female agent looked around the living room, from one face to another, stopping at Kelly Hyland and Jill Vertes.

"Oh don't give me that look, Little Sis!" Kelly glared back. "I was here when JKF banging Marilyn!"

A furious mother can sometimes be more intimidating that an armed terrorist. Sam gulped, Morris and the Hyland sisters were shaking their heads, all sending her the same message:

Don't mess with Mom!

The female operative gathered her dignity, turned back to the screen and tapped a key.

"The Beaver Valley Power Station uses uranium-235 fuel rods to generate power from the reactor, but that was after the Chernobyl incident at '86. Before that they were using plutonium, a far more dangerous substance.

"By end of '87, the US government established the Nuclear Waste Policy, ordering all nuclear plants to remove plutonium and send to a nuclear waste storage facility in Nevada, but the project took far too long, and the plutonium at Beaver Valley just sat there and be forgotten.

"We estimate there are several hundred kilos of plutonium fuel rods still storing under that facility."

"Plutonium that can make nuclear bombs." JoJo noted.

"Wait a minute, doesn't uranium also can make bombs too?" Paige asked.

"It takes a third less using plutonium, 3.5 kilos to make one fusion bomb, and they don't need the whole stock." Tilly explained, disliking someone knew as much as herself.

"But can't we just follow where they are taking it?" Kendall turned to the satellite screen, but it was nothing but clouds.

"Pennsylvania is a rich forest terrain, they can just hide under trees until the satellite past them." Sam explained. "We need close air monitoring, but those drones can shoot anything down from the air, they will guard their package like angels in the sky."

"And you couldn't just shoot them down with one of your planes? Or UAV?" Paige asked.

"The Dragon drones has stealth technology, undetectable by radar or heat, missiles can't lock on them. We'll have to rely on naked eyes, well out of range and shooting blind, and we don't know how many they have."

"I saw two drones on an open field, we were about a little more than an hour west from the city." Kendall recalled.

"Then the number adds up." JoJo nodded. "Our source said they stole three. They're probably flying on shifts."

Tilly was studying the diagram of the Dragon drone, working her engineering mind to beat the machine. Its propeller driven motor gives a low heat signature, its stealth hull undetectable by radar, and could carry enough missiles to destroy a tank platoon.

No machine is perfect, because they all solely built for their purpose only. She started thinking what the professors taught her in class. Therefore all machines have weak spots. Where's yours?

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