Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Rebirth to the age of four, smashing the wall and lifting the house

When he woke up from the darkness and had not opened his eyes, Ye Yu subconsciously turned over.

Grab the things in your hand and move up.

Ye Jinzhi, a cousin who was kicking her, screamed, turned back, holding her feet and scolded bitterly:

"Bitch, Ye Yu, you bitch, do you dare to hurt me?"

Ye Yu, lying on the ground, thought more and more clearly.

In order to avenge her parents and brother, she set off an explosion and killed all the Ye family.

I thought my soul would dissipate, but who would have thought of being reborn a few days before his fourth birthday?

Ye Jinzhi stared at her resentfully: "Ye Yu, when Ye Ni came over and saw you hurt me, you were sure to die!"

Ye Jinzhi is the daughter of Ye Yu's second uncle, who is ten years old.

He eats white, fat and tall, in sharp contrast to the skinny leaf.

In his previous life, Ye Yu got a plane trading space.

After being known by the Ye family, the Ye family wanted to rob it.

The Ye family first killed Ye Yu's parents, and then left their younger brother to threaten her.

The younger brother of the dragon and phoenix doesn't want to drag her down, but would rather do it by himself...

Thinking of his previous life and his relatives who were tortured to death by the Ye family, even if he had avenged and blew up the Ye family, Ye still had hatred in his heart.

He picked up the broken stick and walked towards Ye Jinzhi.

With a strong wave, the wooden stick beat Ye Jinzhi.

Ye Jinzhi screamed, "Little bitch." Rush up and beat the leaves.

Ye Yu retreated and retreated to the cabinet door. When Ye Jinzhi was about to pounce on, the cabinet door suddenly pushed it.

Hearing only a scream, Ye Jinzhi covered his nose and squatted to the ground.

Oh, oh... It hurts so much! Pain!

Grandpa Ye rushed in from the outside: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Ye Jinzhi was ashamed and hateful. He covered his nose and scolded Ye Yu, "Ye Yu, a little bitch, beat me!"

Hearing Ye Jinzhi being beaten, Mr. Ye's face became ferocious: "Ye Yu, how dare you hit your cousin?"

With that, he raised his hand and was about to slap Ye Yu.

Ye Yu was just reborn in this weak and thin body, with little strength.

If this slap is strong, you have to be beaten and bleed.

Ye Yu turned around and retreated.

"Do you still dare to run?" Mr. Ye sneered and stretched out his hand to catch Ye Yu.

Being caught by Grandpa, Ye Yu struggled hard.

Just then, an angry voice sounded at the door: "Let go!"

Ye Yu turned his head and saw his father Ye Guangxiang rushing into the room with his mother.

Ye Guangxiang looked at Ye Yu, who kept struggling in the hands of Boss Ye, and then looked at Ye Ze lying on the ground and coma.

My heart is like thousands of arrows, desolate and angry.

A slap on Mr. Ye's face: "Why is your heart so vicious?"

A crisp slap sounded in the room. Mr. Ye covered his face and stared at Ye Guangxiang in disbelief: "Third, how dare you hit me?"

This slap not only stunned Mr. Ye, but also stunned Ye Yu.

In his previous life, my parents dared not say nothing in front of Mr. Ye.

Why did she be reborn once that her own father dared to beat people?

Ye Guangxiang stepped forward, hid Ye Yu behind him, and glared at Mr. Ye: "Xiao Yu was beaten all over his body, and Ozawa was beaten unconscious. You didn't even say a sound. Xiao Yu just hit Ye Jinzhi, and you can't wait to breathe on Ye Jinzhi?

"The same surname is Ye! In your eyes, should my child die? Ye Jinzhi can't even touch it?"

Old man Ye was stunned by Ye Guangxiang's beard-like questions.

He coughed and changed the topic: "Third, let's not talk about these things. I'll ask you, can a son beat his own father?

Ye Guangxiang looked at him coldly, "Then I'll ask you a word, why did you beat my child? You answer!"

Mr. Ye choked: "They are disobedient."

"Can children be unobedient and unconscious? You say this and see who believes it? Ye Guangxiang's eyes were red, and his eyes were full of hatred:

"The couple are in the workshop to make money for a family! But you abuse my children and don't feed them or dress them. Hit them all the time and don't treat our family as adults.

When Ye Guangxiang said this, he and his wife first took the two children out of the hospital, and then put them on the soft soil outside the courtyard.

He turned around and entered the hospital with a heavy hammer and knocked on the wall with a bang.

The mud and grass wall was immediately shaken off a lot of debris.

Ye Guangxiang's voice came out of the yard, and he could hear it a mile away: "Don't let us live, no one can live!" Die together!"

The mud hut can't stand the hammer of a heavy hammer at all, but after a few strokes, the roof began to fall dust.

Seeing that the house was about to collapse.

Mr. Ye was a little guilty and was thinking about countermeasures in the room. Seeing Ye Guangxiang smashing the house, he was afraid that he would be buried in the house, his eyes were shocked: "Third brother, stop!" I'm still in the house."

Ye Guangxiang's answer was very straightforward. He hammered the load-bearing wall with a heavy hammer: "Let you bully my child!"

The beams of the roof made an overwhelmed moan.

Old man Ye couldn't see it well and ran out of the door with his head in his arms.

When Ye Jinzhi saw that Ye ran away, he shouted in horror, "Wait for me..."

He also followed Mr. Ye to run out.

Ye Yu's mother, Liao Chuxin, took over the heavy hammer and hammered it to the door. With a bang, the door fell to the ground, stirring up dust on the ground:

"Whoever bullies my child, I will demolish my house!"

The whole room collapsed, and the yard was full of dust.

Ye Guangxiang and Liao Chuxin stood in the dust and looked at the newly escaped old man Ye, like two demons who met gods and Buddhas.

Mr. Ye's face was full of horror and was stunned.

I can't believe everything in front of me.

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